The paper 'The International Art Scene and the Status of Dansaekhwa' by Henry Meyric Hughes (Honorary President of the International Association of Art Critics), and the Korean translation for 'Monochrome Painting' by Kai Hong (Professor of Hankuk University of Foreign Studies), are attached separately at the back of the book.
Dansaekhwa,  conference
conference proceedings
Landscape of the Mind / 마음의 풍경 (Only in Korean) - Jinsup YOON, YOON Jinsup, 윤진섭
Dansaekhwa and Korean Modern Art / 단채화와 한국 현대미술 (Only in Korean) - OH Kwangsu, OH Kwangsu, 오광수
Questions about "Dansaekhwa and Korean Modern Art" / 「단서화와 한국 현대 미술」에 대한 질의 (Only in Korean) - Ikyeong YOUN, 윤익영
Aesthetic Characteristics on Dansaekhwa / 한국 단서화와 미적 특질 (Only in Korean) - SEO Sungrok, 서성록
Questions about "Aesthetic Characteristics on Dansaekhwa" / 「한국단서화의미적특질」에 대한 질의 — 단서화 담론의 다양성을 위하여 (Only in Korean) - Eunhee YANG, 양은희
When Korean Monochrome Faces West: A Dilemma of Perception / 한국 단색화가 서양을 만날 때: 인식의 딜레마 - Richard VINE
Questions about "When Korean Monochrome Faces West: A Dilemma of Perception" / 「한국 단색화가 서양을 만날 때: 인식의 딜레마」에 대한 질의 (Only in Korean) - YUN Nanjie, 윤난지
Monochrome Painting - HONG Kai
Dansaekhwa: Korean Monochrome Painting—Globalisation and the Cultural Strategy, 한국의 단색화전 학슬심포지엄: 한국의 단색화 국제화와 문화적 저략

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