This publication concerns a methodological dimension of the practice of art history, namely the act of writing art history itself, an issue which crosses not only questions of the object of the artwork but also the very assumptions that art historians have taken.
'Fictions of Art History, the most recent addition to the Clark Studies in the Visual Arts series, addresses art history’s complex relationships with fiction, poetry, and creative writing. Inspired by a 2010 conference, the volume examines art historians’ viewing practices and modes of writing. How, the contributors ask, are we to unravel the supposed facts of history from the fictions constructed in works of art? How do art historians employ or resist devices of fiction, and what are the effects of those choices on the reader? In styles by turns witty, elliptical, and plain-speaking, the essays in Fictions of Art History are fascinating and provocative critical interventions in art history.' - from publisher's website
Clark Studies in the Visual Arts
art history,  portraiture,  conference
conference proceedings
Introduction: Compelling Fictions - Mark LEDBURY, Michael HATT
Part One: Entanglements
Weightless History: Faulkner, Bourke-White, and Eisenstaedt - Alexander NEMEROV
A Novelist among Artists: Gordon Burn and 'Young British Art' - Thomas CROW
Philip Marlowe Meets the Art Historian - Paul BAROLSKY
The Case of the Errant Art Historian - Gloria KURY
Part Two: Not Who you Think I am
Face to Face with Fiction: Portraiture and the Biographical Tradition - Caroline VOUT
'I Am Not Who You Think I Am': Attributing the Humanist Portrait, Identifying the Art-Historical Subject - Maria H. LOH
Fictional Deceptions: A True Story - Joanna SCOTT
The Art-Historical Photography as Fiction: The Pretense of Objectivity - Ralph LIEBERMAN
Part Three: Artists, Stories, Objects
'The Reality Bodily Before Us': Picturing the Arabian Nights - Marina WARNER
The Ekphrastic O - Cole SWENSEN
Anecdotes and the Life of Art History - Mark LEDBURY
The Text is Present - Marianna TORGOVNICK
Fictions of Art History

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