'In the Wake of 2013,' the Tuning Exhibition of the biennial assembles works of artists that focus on such issues as politics and power, violence and conflict, as well as society. '"In the Wake of 2013" uses the future perfect tense to form the concept of the exhibition. The exhibition is envisioned from a point in time after 2013 (perhaps 2015). The choice of a future tense does not aim to forecast or predict a future event. It is rather a validation of an action we take today, illuminating the prerequisites for what we want to do—and should do—based on our will and plans for the future.' (from 'In the Memory of 2013' by Heng-gil Han, p. 26)
The accompanying catalogue 'includes not only participating artists' biographies, images of their past works, and theses presented by scholars in the conference, but also seminal texts by Walter Benjamin, Elena Filipovic, Boris Groys, Jurgen Habermas, and Jean-Francois Lyotard. These texts are translated by Korean emerging artists and published in English and in Korean. Some of the texts are accompanied by introductions by the translators. In addition, the catalogue includes essays on art and politics by Andries Botha, Megha Ralapati, Sara Reisman, Allan Sekula and Noel Burch, and Yu Hyunju.' (from p. 265)
Please note that only Asian artists are listed below.
2011 Incheon Women Artists' Biennale, Tuning Exhibition
perennial exhibition,  political art,  group exhibition
Press Release of 'In the Wake of 2013'
In the Memory of 2013 - HAN Henggil, 한행길
Critic's HQ: Megha Ralapati, Lap Le, Evita Yumul - Christopher K. HO, 何恩懷
Critical Art Practices: Life and Art - YUE Kyoengsub, 여경섭
Notes on Incheon - Jose TENCE RUIZ
The Everlasting Antithesis to an Irrational Society - Kyungmo LEE, 이경모
An International Conference with a Series of Artists' Talks
The Social Function and Power of Performance - YOON Jinsup, 윤진섭
The Making of ... (with occasional political overtones): Lucy R. Lippard's Six Years Project - Catherine MORRIS
Critical Reflections on the Ontological Illusion: Rethinking the Relation between Art and Politics - Gabriel ROCKHILL
Contemporary Art Movements and Avant-Garde Groups of Korea - Focusing on the 1950-1970s - Kyungmo LEE, 이경모
Art and Power: A Study of the Relationship between Art and Power under Korea's First Regime - CHO Eunjung, 조은정
Special Feature I: Art as Reading, Writing, and Translating
Modernity: An Incomplete Project - Jürgen HABERMAS
Communication and Difference - SHIN Hyungsub, 신형섭
Answering the Question: What Is Postmodernism - Jean-Francois LYOTARD
The Global White Cube by Elena Filipovic - LEE Kakyoung, 이가경
The Global White Cube - Elena FILIPOVIC
Boris Groys' Multiple Authorship - KIM Eunhyung, 김은형
Multiple Authorship - Boris GROYS
Theses on the Philosophy of History - Walter BENJAMIN
Special Feature II: Prose on Art and Politics
Philosophical Rationale. Amazwi Abesifazane: Reclaiming the Emotional and Public Self - Andries BOTHA
Korean Kye: Micro over Macro - Megha RALAPATI
Percent for Art: Legislated Art - Sara REISMAN
Directors' Statement. The Forgotten Space - Allan SEKULA, Noel BURCH
Don't...! - A Negative Word and the Art of Non-Identity - YU Hyunju, 유현주
In the Wake of 2013, 2013의 결과로

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