'Tracing two decades of the development of Hong Kong-based MAP Office (Gutierrez + Portefaix) in an evolution from architectural research to artistic interventions, Where the Map is the Territory catalogues process-oriented and ongoing projects related broadly to the dialectics of body and territory, legibility, and (in)visibility. The text, structured around six clusters of work anchored by core conversations with curators Maurizio Bortolotti, Norman Ford, Hou Hanru, Josef Ng, Claire Tancons, and Robin Peckham (ed.), seeks to build a repertoire of observational and productive tactics accumulated through exhibitions, competitions, and festivals. These strategies begin in Hong Kong, migrate to the Pearl River Delta, expand to China as a whole, and then explode this rubric into a generalised logic from virtual spaces to other global territories.' (Back cover)
Includes artist biographies.
diaspora,  installation,  multimedia art,  site-specific art,  performance art,  photography,  video art
artist monograph
MAP Office: Cities as Productions - Philip TINARI, 田霏宇
Techniques of the Observer - Robin PECKHAM, 岳鴻飛
Conversation with Robin Peckham - Robin PECKHAM, 岳鴻飛
Transitional Histories - Robin PECKHAM, 岳鴻飛
Conversation with Norman Ford - Norman Jackson FORD, 傅德明
Personal Island or Element of Plot? MAP Office's Intervention in the Chinese Pavilion, Venice Biennale 2007 - HOU Hanru, 侯瀚如
Cycles of Absorption - Robin PECKHAM, 岳鴻飛
Conversation with Hou Hanru - HOU Hanru, 侯瀚如
Great Leap Forward: Development is a Must - OU Ning, 歐寧
Inside and Out - Robin PECKHAM, 岳鴻飛
Conversation with Maurizio Bortolotti - Maurizio BORTOLOTTI
Homes for America/China - Maurizio BORTOLOTTI
Rituals of Resistance - Robin PECKHAM, 岳鴻飛
Conversation with Claire Tancons - Claire TANCONS
Producing Reality (extract) - Maurizio BORTOLOTTI
The Repeating Islands - Robin PECKHAM, 岳鴻飛
Conversation with Josef Ng - Josef NG, 吳承祖
Runscape (extract) - Melissa LAM, 林嘉敏
Map Office: Where the Map is the Territory

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Artists-in-Residence | MAP Office
Feb–Jul 2012
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