A map of exchanges between East and South East Asia Self-Organized Woodcut Collectives is supplemented.
Chinese - Traditional
printmaking,  participatory art,  community art,  East Asia,  South East Asia,  mapping
Rethinking Collective: Mapping on the Development of Woodblock Printing in Inter-Asian Context
The Left-Wing Spirit of the Indonesian Artist Collective Taring Padi - CHEN Wei-Lun, 陳韋稐
Collaboration or Social mobilization? The Historical Context of Gotong-Royong and its Politics - Krystie NG, 吳君儀
How To Sustain a DIY Artist Collective?: In The case of A3BC - KANŌ Ai, 狩野愛
"To Exist Like a Mystery": The Dynamic of Trans-Local Cultural Activism Network in East Asia - LI Ding, 李丁
From"Popularization" to "De-popularization": Rethink Woodcut Printing in the Context of Chinese Contemporary Art
About the Writers
Mapping on the Development of Self-Organised Woodcut Collectives in Inter-Asian Context (1990s-2010s), 亞洲自組版畫串連圖繪

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