'Since their first work, Stateless Nation at the Venice Biennial in 2003, and throughout their most recent architectural interventions in refugee camps, the artistic practice of Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti has explored and acted within and against the condition of permanent temporariness that permeates contemporary forms of life. In their ambitious research and project-based practice, art exhibitions are both sites of display and sites of action that spill over into other contexts: built architectural structures, the shaping of critical learning environments, interventions that challenge dominant collective narratives, the production of new political imaginations, the re-definition of words, and the formation of civic spaces.
This book is organized around fourteen concepts that activate seventeen different projects. Each project is the result of a larger process of collaboration and is accompanied by individual and collective texts and interviews that contextualize and expand the reach of every intervention.' - extracted from the back cover
Sandi HILAL, 
Nick AXEL, 
Palestinian Territories,  architecture,  border,  colonialism,  cultural heritage,  diaspora,  geopolitics,  migration,  collective practice,  socially engaged art
artist monograph
Permanent Temporariness

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Residency | Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti
20 October–2 November 2019

Sandi Hilal and Alessandro Petti | Permanent Temporariness
Mon, 28 Oct 2019, 7 – 8:30 PM
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