Catalogue of touring exhibition at Sin Pin Pier, Stock 20, and Hua Shan Cultural and Creative Industry Center in Taichung and Taipei. The exhibition features works by blue-collar artists in an attempt to explore the culture of the blue-collar working class in Kaohsiung. Images of works are accompanied by individual texts. With artist biographies, curatorial statement and seminar summaries.
Chinese - Traditional
photography,  sculpture,  video art,  group exhibition
<新濱碼頭藝術空間>高雄場次: 高雄城市風格與勞工文化
<台中20號鐵道倉庫>台中場次: 藍領藝術家創作風格特質何在
<華山藝文特區>台北場次: 勞工文化與白領文化有何不同
<松園別館>花蓮場次: 黑手打狗作品中的勞工文化特質
<誠品書店大遠百店>巡迴場次: 勞工創作與工作環境變遷的關係
巡迴座談. 議題迴響
Taokao Labor-Industrial Kaohsiung, 黑手打狗:南國勞工的生活. 工作. 藝術

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Introducing the Up Art Gallery Archive and Sin Pin Pier Archive
Sat, 20 Jan 2024, 1:30–3:30pm HKT
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