'The “Spectre of Comparisons” arises as nations stir into self awareness, matching themselves against others, and becoming whole through the exercise of the imagination.

In this series of profound and eloquent essays, Benedict Anderson, best known for his classic book on nationalism, Imagined Communities, explores these effects as they work their way through politics and culture. Spanning broad accounts of the development of nationalism and identity, and detailed studies of Southeast Asia, the book includes pieces on East Timor, where every Indonesian attempt to suppress national feeling has had the opposite effect; on the Philippines, where it is said that some horses eat better than stable-hands; on Thailand, where so much money can be made in elected posts that candidates regularly kill to get them; on the Filipino nationalist and novelist José Rizal for whom “we mortals are like turtles—we have value and are classified according to our shells;” and a remarkable essay on Mario Vargas Llosa, detailing the fate of indigenous minorities at the hands of the modern state.

While The Spectre of Comparisons is an indispensable resource for those interested in Southeast Asia, Anderson also takes up the large issues of the universal grammars of nationalism and ethnicity, the peculiarity of nationalist imagery as replicas without originals, and the mutations of nationalism in an age of mass global migrations and instant electronic communications.' - excerpts from back cover.

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Chapter headings

Part I: The Long Arc of Nationalism

Nationalism, Identity, and the Logic of Seriality

Replica, Aura, and Late Nationalist Imaginings

Long-Distance Nationalism

Part II: Southeast Asia: Country Studies

A Time of Darkness and a Time of Light

Professional Dreams

Gravel in Jakarta's Shoes

Withdrawal Symptoms

Murder and Progress in Modern Siam

Cacique Democracy in the Philippines

The First Filipino

Hard to Imagine

Part III: Southeast Asia: Comparative Studies

Elections in Southeast Asia

Radicalism after Communism

Sauve Qui Peut

Majorities and Minorities

Part IV: What is Left?

El Malhadado Pais

The Goodness of Nations

The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World
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The Spectre of Comparisons: Nationalism, Southeast Asia and the World

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