Catalogue of solo exhibition by Hong Kong artist Luke Ching at the Hong Kong Visual Arts Centre in 2007. Ever since the handover of Hong Kong in 1997, people in Hong Kong has been living under the unprecedented social system of "One Country, Two Systems". This year Hong Kong celebrates its 10th anniversary of the handover, as an artist born and brought up in Hong Kong, Luke attempts to construct and deconstruct this pluralistic city, and to transform artistically the daily objects and experiences as inspired by the notion of "One Country, Two Systems". With introduction by Stephanie Cheng and Ching's artist statement.

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Chinese - Traditional, 


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artist monograph, 


Two in One: Works by Luke Ching Chin-wai
Rights statement

In Copyright

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Two in One: Works by Luke Ching Chin-wai, 二合一:程展緯作品展