'Bani Abidi is among the leading figures from a generation of Pakistani artists who trained during the 1990s, and who began to explore social contradictions through contemporary modes of artistic practice. Quite apart from her participation in and travel to numerous global and transnational exhibitions, her practice itself has been characterised by a form of restlessness, leading her to reside and make work in multiple countries; Pakistan, the US and India. Partly as a consequence of inhabiting these varied "multicultural" frameworks, her work over the last decade has been especially acute in demarcating key dilemmas of Pakistani nationhood. These include interrogating the "impossible" relationality between India and Pakistan at the level of everyday experience, issues of class and subalternaity, and the prevalent rise of "security aesthetics" in the form of barriers and gated communities.' - excerpt from Introduction by Iftikhar Dadi

This monograph examines Bani Abidi's artistic practice spanning photography, video, performance and documentary, from 1999 to 2009. With essays by Simone Wille, Nicole Wolf, Adnan Madani, Nada Raza; and a conversation between Francesco Cincotta and the artist. Artist biography and list of works included.
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artist monograph

Chapter headings

Introduction - Iftikhar DADI

Trumping History - Simone WILLE

The Promise of Withholding - Nicole WOLF

Enacting Scenes of Horror and Laughter - Adnan MADANI

The Politics of Space - Nada RAZA

A Public Inquiry - Hammad NASAR

Bani Abidi in Conversation with Francesco Cinocotta - Francesco CINCOTTA

Bani Abidi: Videos, Photographs & Drawings
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Bani Abidi: Videos, Photographs & Drawings