In 2005 Chinese artist Qin Chong presented a trilogy of solo shows, of which GREY took place at Shanghai Duolun Museum of Modern Art, BLACK at GDK Galerie der Kuenste, Berlin and WHITE at Art Beatus, Hong Kong.

In the article entitled Turning of opposites, Silvia Donzelli wrote, 'A kind of fight, a conflict between opposite tensions is shown in almost all the works of Qin Chong... In his paintings the artist brings to view this contrast through the reduction of the colour range to white and black only. White and black visualize in a clear and catching way the idea of the corruption process of pureness, which brings to mind the traditional image of spotted candour.'

The present catalogue includes artist biography and short texts by Andrew Maerkle, Lu Shengzhong, Selina Lai and Silvia Donzelli.


Silvia Donzelli在《對立的宣言》一文中談道:「秦冲的大部分作品都涉及到兩種對立事物之間的鬥爭和緊張壓力[……]。這種通過將顏色精簡到黑白兩色而産生的鮮明對比在秦冲的作品中得到了最佳體現。這兩種顏色的運用將純淨的被染色和那種傳統意義上無辜的被雜色表現得淋漓盡致。」

本圖錄載有藝術家簡歷,以及Andrew Maerkle、呂勝中、Selina Lai及Silvia Donzelli撰寫的短評。
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Chinese - Simplified, 



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Content type

artist monograph, 


Chapter headings

Notes on Qin Chong - Andrew MAERKLE

Trilogy of black and white - LU Shengzhong, 呂勝中

Just a matter of balance - Selina LAI

Turning of opposites - Silvia DONZELLI

Qin Chong
Rights statement

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Qin Chong, 秦衝藝術作品