Zheng Shengtian Archive 鄭勝天檔案
Zheng Shengtian Art Projects and Exhibitions 鄭勝天藝術項目及展覽

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Contemporary Oil Paintings from the People's Republic of China (Exhibition Opening)
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Contemporary Oil Paintings from the People's Republic of China (Exhibition Opening)
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Contemporary Oil Paintings from the People's Republic of China (Exhibition Opening)
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Contemporary Oil Paintings from the People's Republic of China (Exhibition Opening)
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Contemporary Oil Paintings from the People's Republic of China (Exhibition Opening)
1 Document
Contemporary Oil Paintings from the People's Republic of China — Invitation
中國當代油畫展 — 邀請函1987

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Contemporary Oil Paintings from the People's Republic of China — Leaflet
中國當代油畫展 — 單張1987

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Exhibition Certificate of Contemporary Oil Paintings from the People's Republic of China

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Forum of Overseas Paintings by Zheng Shengtian (Set of 2 Photographs)
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Invitation to Zheng Shengtian's Solo Exhibition at College of St. Benedict

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Invitation to Zheng Shengtian's Solo Exhibition at Katherine E. Nash Gallery, University of Minnesota
鄭勝天明尼蘇達大學Katherine E. Nash美術館個展的邀請函1983