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Chapter headings

美術史寫作的自我要求 (The self-demands of art history writing) - WANG Lin, 王林

中國當代藝術史寫作的火候到了嗎?: 在策略語境中的中國當代藝術史寫作 (Chinese contemporary art history writing in the tactical context) - HE Gong, 何工

歷史的合法性: 關於中國現、當代藝術史寫作中的幾個問題 (The legality of history: several problems about Chinese modern and contemporary art history writing) - LV Peng, 呂澎

觀念先行: 1980年代以來中國畫研究的理念及其方法 (Concepts first: the idea and methods of Chinese painting research from 1980s) - TANG Zheming, 湯哲明

中國當代藝術史寫作的方法論問題 (The problem of the methodology of Chinese contemporary art history writing) - WANG Nanming, 王南溟

我們都曾經是孩子: 關於郭偉的虛擬自我 (We are once all children: about Guo Wei's fictitious self) - LI Xu, 李旭

關於楊福東(節選) (Chinese intellectuals in Yang Fudong's work: a western view (excerpt) - Elisabeth SLAVKOFF

從遠古看世界: 邱黯雄的動畫作品 (The world seen from afar: Qiu Anxiong's animation) - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁

走向永恆的生命禮贊: 關於李磊詩意的抽像 (About Li Lei's poetic abstraction) - SHANG Hui, 尚輝

何工訪談 (Interview with He Gong) - DUAN Lian, 段煉

藝術上海: 上海當代藝術生態報告 (Art Shanghai: Shanghai contemporary art condition report)

概述 (徐可) (Summary) (Xu Ke)

繼續做實驗性的藝術,能活得下去就可以了 (勞倫斯, 香格納畫廊) (Keeping on experimental art, and its all right to live. Lorenz Helbing from ShanghART Gallery)

把國外的先進經驗引進來 (吳盈璋, 昇藝術空間) (Introducing the aboard advanced experience) (Wu Yingzhang from Shinespace)

中國的當代藝術家最終還是要中國的畫廊、收藏家來推動 (黃燎原, 現在畫廊) (Chinese contemporary artists need to be promoted by Chinese galleries and collectors) (Huang Liaoyuan from Art Now Gallery)

ArtHub基金會是比翼(BizArt)的一個新起點 (樂大豆, 比翼藝術中心) (ArtHub Fund is a new jumping-off of BizArt (Davide Quadrio from BizArt Art Centre)

當代藝術展覽實驗性和探索性很重要 (李力, Vanguard Gallery) (The exploratory and exploration of contemporary art exhibition is important)

我們不重要,重要的是藝術 (張明放, 亦安畫廊) (We are not important, artists are not important, important thing is art) (Zhang Mingfang from aura gallery)

ShContemporary 2007就是給亞洲創造一個未來 (周鐵海, ShContemporary 2007) (ShContemporary 2007 creates a future for Asia)

買藝術品再遠的地方都會去 (洪平濤, 五角場800號) (No matter how far away, we will go to buy artworks) (Hong Pingtao from Wu Jiao Chang 800 Art Space)

上海威海路696號 (陳明明) (No. 696, Weihai Road, Shanghai) (Chen Mingming)

西班牙未來藝術節ArtFutura在上海 (本刊編輯部) (ArtFutura in Shanghai Zendai MoMA) (Editorial Board)

上海證大現代藝術館 (Shanghai Zendai MoMA)

外面的世界: 近觀上海多倫現代美術館近期展覽 (The outside world: about recent exhibition in Shanghai Duolun Musuem of Modern Art)

妄想國: 中國新生代藝術 (Image-nation in Shanghai contrast gallery) - Magnus RENFREW

都市影像拼圖: 上海當代影像藝術概述 (About Shanghai contemporary video art) - Maya YU

遙•控: 多媒體與互動藝術展 (Interactive and multimedia art in MoCA Shanghai) - Ella LIAO, 廖薇

口傳和耳聞的四方: 關於第三屆貴陽雙年展(節選) (Word of mouth from the four corners) - YE Yongqing, 葉永青

抽像是一種關於自由的表達 (Abstraction is an expression of freedom) - HUANG Zhuan, 黃專

中國細語: 中國進行時 (Chinese Whispers: Chinese contemporary art exhibition) - YANG Li, 楊荔

'看'見了什麼: 讀劉春傑版畫近作 (About Liu Chunjie's new works) - LEI Ziren, 雷子人

耿翊的'夢露'們 (Geng Yi's works) - Quan Gu, 谷泉

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Art China (Vol. 6, No. 3; 2007), 藝術當代