In this essay the author suggests reconsidering the notion of hybridity when discussing about the art of Hong Kong: 'Is the construct of hybridity defunct?', 'Is its efficacy as a strategy of postcolonial resistance threatened by the voracious gaze of the tourist and genericized by eager overuse?', 'Or have they already been permanently emptied of meaning altogether, their usefulness beyond recall?', 'Can hybridity be saved as a useful theoretical construct?'

The author argues that the pressing question at the moment is not whether to discard the construct of hybridity, but to seek new critical possibilities through its reconsideration.
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Publication/Creation date

Jun 2003

Source of publication

YISHU: Journal of Contemporary Chinese Art, Jun 2003, pp. 90–98

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Art, Hong Kong, and Hybridity: A Task of Reconsideration
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Art, Hong Kong, and Hybridity: A Task of Reconsideration