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Alternative title

mei shu guan - zong di ba qi

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Chinese - Simplified

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Chapter headings

Art in Contemporary Culture/ 當代文化中的美術館

Special Edition of the Scientific and Cultural Project of Museum in France - LI Jun, 李俊, Marie-Helene JOLY, Joelle PIJAUDIER-CABOT

Contribution of the Exhibitions and its Catalogs to Art History/ 展覽和展覽圖錄所帶給藝術史的因素 - ROSENBERG Pierre

Telling Stories Museum Style/ 以博物館的方式講故事 - Mark ROSENTHAL

What is Cultural Heritage? - Academic Archeology on a Contemporary Concept/ 什麼是文化遺產?-對一個當代觀念的知識考古 - LI Jun, 李俊

A Subject of Open Nature/ 開放的學科

The Characters on History and Knowledge of Contemporary Chinese Ideas Debates/ 當代中國思想論的歷史品格與知識品格 - HE Zhaotian, 賀照田

Cultural Diversity in the Time of Globalisation/ 全球化時代的文化多樣性 - SHAN Shilian, 單世聯

The History of Psychopathic Treatment and the Boundary of Reason/ 精神疾患診療史與理性的邊際 - ZHANG Hong, 張閎

Picture Theory/ 圖像理論 - William J. MITCHELL

The Impressionism: Human and Matters, Philosophy and Aesthetics/ 印象派:人與事,哲學與美學 - LI Xingyuan, 李行遠

Monkey's Right to Piant and the Post-Duchamp Crisis/ 猴子的繪畫權利與後杜尚危機 - Bedri BAYKAM

Yoko Ono and Her Art on the Twilight Zone of the East and the West/ 東西方交界的小野洋子和她的藝術 - ZHANG Zhaohui, 張朝暉

Viewing the Calender Painting: Nouveau Chinese New-Year-Painting in 1950s/ 面對’月份牌’:50年代的中國新年畫 - WANG Huangsheng, 王璜生, YAO Daimei, 姚玳玫

Exhibition-Planning and Critiques/ 策展與批評

Symposium of 'Arts in the Mao Zedong Era (1942-1976)/ ’毛澤東時代美術’(1942-1976)學術研討會紀要 - HU Bin, 胡斌

Research of Museum Collections/ 館藏研究

Catalog of Documentary Exhibition of Arts in Mao Zedong Era (1942-1976)/ 毛澤東時代美術(1942-1976)文獻展作品目錄

A Polycentric Review of the Books/ 書林中的多元視角

The Classic Document in History of Art - Comments on Hong Kong Visual Art Mannual 2003/ 藝術史料保存的典範之作-評《香港視覺藝術年鑑2003》 - CHEN Yafei, 陳雅飛

A Collection of Museum Information/ 美術館信息庫

Art Museum
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Art Museum, 美術館 - 總第8期