Proceedings of the symposium held from 21 to 22 September 2010 at The University of Chicago in Beijing, co-organised with He Xiangning Art Museum, OCT Contemporary Art Terminal, and Center for Visual Studies Peking University. Hosted by Wu Hung, Lao Zhu (Zhu Qingsheng), and Huang Zhuan. With speakers' biographies. Chronology of Chinese contemporary ink painting from 1979–2010 included in the appendix. Please note that the papers are in Chinese only, except otherwise noted under 'Chapter Headings'.
Alternative title

Dang dai shui mo yu mei shu shi shi ye guo ji yan tao hui

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Chinese - Simplified, 


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conference proceedings

Chapter headings

當代中國水墨畫的創新之需(初稿) The Need for the New in Contemporary Chinese Ink Painting - Britta ERICKSON, 林似竹

作為文化身份的水墨 Ink as Cultural Identity - SHEN Kuiyi, 沈揆一

國際化文化界下的國畫復興(提綱) Guohua Revivals in an Internationalizing Cultural World - Julia F. ANDREWS, 安雅蘭

實驗水墨中的“書寫”:話語生成與思想史叙事(初稿) - LU Mingjun, 魯明軍

水墨‧類抽象‧東方宇宙觀(初稿) - ZHOU Yan, 周彥

顛覆與重建:當代水墨的變遷與突破(初稿) - HE Guiyan, 何桂彥

“水墨時代”與“煉金術”:一種意識形態(提要) - WANG Nanming, 王南溟

水墨煉金術:谷文達的實驗水墨(初稿) - HUANG Zhuan, 黃專

水墨空間(初稿) - ZHU Qingsheng, 朱青生

作為觀念和作為趣味的線條-當代水墨畫問題的一個思考(舊文) - YAN Shanchun, 嚴善錞

公共水墨與私秘笑語:水墨人物畫之轉型意義辨析(提綱) - YANG Xiaoyan, 楊小彥

傳統水墨語言在當代語境中的運用-邱黯雄水墨性動畫中的中華文化基因(初稿) - PI Daojian, 皮道堅

水墨態度(初稿) Ink Attitudes - Alexandra MUNROE

墨象論(提綱) - LIU Xiaochun, 劉驍純

黃賓虹VS拼貼:論中國畫“入世”的途徑(初稿) - SHEN Yubing, 沈語冰

中國畫問題(舊文) - LV Peng, 呂澎


Contemporary Ink Painting and Art Historical Perspectives International Symposium
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Contemporary Ink Painting and Art Historical Perspectives International Symposium, “當代水墨與美術史視野” 國際研討會