Unstable Media is a conference held in conjunction with the exhibition entitled Zone_V2_:Unstable Media: Act - Interact held at Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei in 2007. The conference investigates flirtations, quotations and relationships between art, popular culture and large global themes from today's media art perspective. It also aims to connect the background and artists' scenarios of the works in the Zone_V2_ exhibition to a critical theoretical framework. The present publication includes summaries of the lectures and biographies of the lecturers.
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Chinese - Traditional, 


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Content type

conference proceedings

Chapter headings

Unstable Media: Short Introduction to a Conference about Critical Interaction with Popular Machineries - Anne NIGTEN

Images: Virtual World and Utopia - with Some Notes on the Development of Media Art in Taiwan - WANG Junjieh, 王俊傑

//////////fur//// art entertainment interfaces - Tilman REIFF

Game Play and Naive Understandings of Electronics - Kristina ANDERSEN

Beijing Accelerator - Marnix DE NIJS

The (Online) Economy of Desire - Alessandro LUDOVICO

From Kuso to Social Machines - HSU Manray, 徐文瑞

The Latest Product-line. www.g-turns.com - Sukandar KARTADINATA

Social Experiences of the Sale Away Workshop and the End-result Installation in the Zone_V2_exhibition - Geert-Jan HOBIJN, Carsten STABENOW, Carlo CROVATO, Olaf MATTHES

Unstable Media: Conference about Critical Interaction with Popular Machineries
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Unstable Media: Conference about Critical Interaction with Popular Machineries, V2_特區: 動態媒體國際論壇