Performance Art in China takes as its subject one of the most dynamic and controversial areas of experimental art practice in China. In his comprehensive study, Sydney-based theorist and art historian Thomas J. Berghuis introduces and investigates the idea of the "role of the mediated subject of the acting body in art", a notion grounded in the realization that the body is always present in art practice, as well as its subsequent, secondary representations. Through a series of in-depth case studies, Berghuis reveals how, during the past 25 years, Chinese performance artists have "acted out" their art, often in opposition to the principles governing correct behavior in the public domain. In addition to a 25-year chronology of events, a systematic index of places, names and key terms, as well as a bibliography and a glossary in English and Chinese, this study also offers the reader numerous previously unpublished photos and documents.
performance art,  art history,  China
Chapter 1: Performance Art and Its Constraints
Chapter 2: Social-Political Actions and Early Group Performances in China, 1979-1986
Chapter 3: Performance Art and The Role of the Body in Behavioral Action in China 1986-1989
Chapter 4: Performance and The Role of the Mediated Subject in Art 1990-2000
Chapter 5: Performance in New Media 1997-2004
Chapter 6: Positioning Experimental Art and the Art System in China
Chapter 7: Rules Governing Public Conduct and Private Space in Performance
Performance Art in China

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