Essays written by specialists in the field of contemporary art from the respective counrties complement our understanding of the development of art in these countries. Biographical information of the artists are provided.
The Faculty of Plastic Arts, Royal University of Fine Arts, Cambodia is one of the participants.
The Commemorative Exhibition of the Inauguration of Fukuoka Asian Art Museum: The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 1999 (The 5th Asian Art Show)
perennial exhibition,  Asia,  group exhibition
On the Exhibition Theme 'Communication: Channels for Hope' - Raiji KURODA, 黒田雷児
Communication/Community/Collaboration - Masahiro USHIROSHOJI, 後小路雅弘
The End of Globalisation?: Malaysian Art at the Close of the 20th Century - Niranjan RAJAH
Contemporary Art Scene of Myanmar - Terry LEE
Art Abroad: InterNational Communication - Ahmad MASHADI
Contemporary Art Scene in Thailand - Somporn RODBOON
Sketches on Vietnam Modern Fine Arts - LUU Yen
Art of Bangladesh: Contemporary Trends among the Artists of the 90's - Subir CHOUDHURY
Art of Bhutan - Mynak R. TULKU
Fresh Signs of Digression and Direction in Contemporary Indian Art - Roobina KARODE
Modern Contemporary Art: A View from Nepal - Uttam NEPALI
Looking Back; Looking Forward: Pakistani Art in 90's - Salima HASHMI
A Living Legacy: The Contemporary Art Scene of Sri Lanka - D.M. GUNARATNA
Towards a Self Formed by Communication-Generated Inner Dialogue - Hideki NAKAMURA, 中村英樹
A Touchstone to Create New Values in Asia - JUNG Junmo, 정준모
Communication for the Sake of the Arts of Asia - Toshio SHIMIZU, 清水敏男
Can 'Asian Art' Speak? - Shinji GOTO, 後藤新治
Criteria for the Selection of the Artists and Their Works - Somporn RODBOON
Note on Selection Process - Raiji KURODA, 黒田雷児
From the Scene of Investigation: Art Functioning in Real Society - Toshiko RAWANCHAIKUL, ラワンチャイクン寿子
Art Exchange in Fukuoka Triennale - Jin MATSUURA, 松浦仁
Contemporary Chinese Art - JIN Yuqing, 金毓清
Adventure of Communication in the Age of Stagnation - Raiji KURODA, 黒田雷児
Contemporary Korean Art in Pluralism and the Issue of 'Communication' - CHOI Eunju, 최은주
Fine Art in Mongolia - Today - Ochir SOSOR
Bright Prospects for the New Millennium: The Taiwanese Art Scene Present and Future - J.J. SHIH, 石瑞仁
The Contemporary Art Scene in Brunei Darussalam - Pg.Hj.Hashim Pg.Hj.Mohd.Jadid
Cambodian Contemporary Art: A Difficult Search for Foundation - Daravuth LY
In Search of a Politically Correct Work of Art - Jim SUPANGKAT
Lao Art: A Continuation from Tradition to Modern Life - Kanha SIKOUNNAVONG
The 1st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale 1999 (The 5th Asian Art Show)

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