'The art of curating is not simply finding a theme, putting artworks onto walls, then opening an exhibition for all to see. It is a process of administering, creating and interpreting.
Curators are also professional “editors” with two jobs: first, to deconstruct exhibitions, art, aesthetics and even authority, continuously challenging conventional views and finding new perspectives; second, to reinvent arrangements and reinterpret artworks from a wider context of aesthetics, history, society and politics.
One of the very few full-time independent curators in Hong Kong, Oscar Ho has curated over a hundred exhibitions since the 1980s. This book carries a collection of his writings on 30 selected exhibitions - detailing his curating decisions, struggles, collaborations and perseverance in the art and profession of curation.' (Excerpt from publisher's introduction)
Chinese - Traditional
artist monograph, 
artist writing
Deconstruct and Edit: Oscar Ho on the Art of Curating, 拆拆剪剪 - 何慶基展覽策劃故事

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