The book also includes works by artists Craig Walsh and Debra Porch who have participated in artist residency programs in Vietnam.
BUI Huu Hung, 
BUI Xuan Phai, 
DANG Thi Khue, 
DAO Anh Khanh, 
DINH Thi Tham Poong, 
HOANG Duong Cam, 黃陽琴, 
LE Cong Thanh, 
LE Hong Thai, 
LE Quang Ha, 
LE Vu, 
MAI Chi Thanh, 
NGHIEM Xuan Binh, 
NGUYEN Baotoan, 
NGUYEN Manh Hung, 
NGUYEN Minh Phuong, 
NGUYEN Minh Thanh, 
NGUYEN Quang Huy, 阮光輝, 
NGUYEN Van Cuong, 
Maritta NURMI, 
PHAM An Hai, 
PHAM Luan, 
Phuong Vu Manh, 
Veronika RADULOVIC, 
Brian RING, 
Thinh Le, 
TRAN Luong, 
TRAN Thieu Quang, 
TRANG Thanh Hien, 
performance art,  painting,  sculpture,  installation,  photography,  Vietnam
Hanoi. Utopia and Reality. Urban Theme in Contemporary Visual Art
Contemporary Vietnamese Art: Obstacles of Transition
Vietnamese Installation Art. New Form in an Old Place
Vietnamese Modern Art. Change. Stagnation. Potential. Strategy
Folk and Modern Art
Missing a Kiss. The art of Nguyen Minh Thanh
Movement and Metamophose. (Le Hong Thai)
Nostalgia (Bui Huu Hung)
Simple Stories (Nghiem Xuan Binh)
Composition: Movement and Immobility
Under the Mountain (Maritta Nurmi)
Drowning = Solidity (Le Hong Thai)
Ha My Ly and Le Ngoc Hieu at Galerie Dauphin
Human - Nature
Causal Relations
Dreams and Whispers. Hania Galan at the Goethe Institute in Hanoi
Time out of Joint
Philip Morris Damages Your Health
Translating Ideas
Tradition Responds to Change
From nostalgia towards exploration: essays on contemporary art in Vietnam

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Việt Lê is an artist, creative writer, and independent curator
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