'Contemporary art has explored such diverse registers of temporality as wasting and waiting, regression and repetition, deja vu and seriality, idleness and unrealized potential, non-consummation and counter-productivity, the belated and the premature, the disjointed and the out of synch - all of which go against sequential time and index slips in chronological experience. While theorists have proposed radical perspectives such as the "anachronistic"or "heterochronic" reading of history, artists have opened up the filed of time to the extent that the very notion of the contemporary is brought into the question.

Time is one of a series of documenting major themes and ideas in contemporary art.' - from back cover.

Including a bibliography and an index.

Alternative title

Documents of Contemporary Art

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Chapter headings


We’re five hundred years before the man we just robbed was born - Amelia GROOM


The Shape of Time - George KUBLER

Never the Same River (Possible Futures, Probable Pasts) - Simon STARLING

Before the Image, Before Time: The Sovereignty of Anachronism - Georges DIDI-HUBERMAN

The Plural Temporality of the Work of Art - Alexander NAGEL, Christopher S. WOOD

This is Tomorrow (and Other Modernist Myths) - Elena FILIPOVIC

This is So Contemporary! - Amelia GROOM

Life and Death - Geoffery BATCHEN

Uji (Existence-Time) - Dogen ZENJI

A Time Apart - Paul CHAN, 陳佩之

Paul Chan’s The 7 Lights - Daniel BIRNBAUM

The Trouble with Timelines - Daniel ROSENBERG

Sticky Images: The Foreshortening of Time in an Art of Duration - Mieke BAL

Beyond Time - Michel SIFFRE

The Tyranny of the Clock - George WOODCOCK

A Minor History of Time without Clocks - Joshua FOER

The Refusal of Time - Peter L. GALISON

Still Being: A Conversation about Time in Art - Antony GORMLEY, Michael NEWMAN

Shells and Time - Italo CALVINO, Italo CALVINO


What is the Contemporary? - Giorgio AGAMBEN

A Step Out of Time: Sylvia Sleigh’s Extraordinary ‘History Pictures’ - Quinn LATIMER

Contradictions of Time: On Social Practice from a Temporal Perspective - Nato THOMPSON

When Time Becomes Form - Marina ABRAMOVIC

Thought of Duration - Adrian HEATHFIELD

Matter and Memory - Henri BERGSON

Intuition as Method - Gilles DELEUZE

Points of Suspension - Joachim KOESTER, Matthew BUCKINGHAM

The Technique of the Present - Jean-Luc NANCY

Some Times of Space - Doreen MASSEY

Recomposing the Digital Present - Timothy BARKER

Timeliness - Karen ARCHEY

Time Frame - Nancy SPECTOR

The Split of the Unconscious: 24-Hour Psycho - Philip MONK

A Note on the Time - Dexter SINISTER

The Theatre of Illusion - Hans BELTING

Clock Time - Rosalind KRAUSS

Slow (Fast) Modern - Yve-Alain BOIS

A New Refutation of Time - Jorge Luis BORGES

Comrades of Time - Boris GROYS

Sisyphus - Amelia GROOM


Science and the Humanities: The Case of Turner - Michel SERRES

Conversations on Science, Culture and Time - Michel SERRES, Bruno LATOUR

We Have Never Been Modern - Bruno LATOUR

After the Future - Franco BERARDI

In Free Fall: A Thought Experiment on Vertical Perspective - Hito STEYERL

Becoming … An Introduction - Elizabeth GROSZ

Women’s Time - Emily APTER

Towards a Futurology of the Present: Notes on Writing, Movement and Time - Marco CUEVAS-HEWITT

On Infinity - LEE Ufan, 이우환

Present Future - Brian DILLON

Plankton in the Sea: A Few Questions Regarding the Qualities of Time - Raqs Media Collective

Future Arrivals - Daniel BIRNBAUM

Marking Time - Rachel KENT

Geographies of Time - Trevor PAGLEN

The Joy of Space-Time and Other Fantasies - nova Milne

The Mildlister - Mark VON SCHLEGELL

The Dust Mite and the Widgets - Michael STEVENSON, Jan VERWOERT

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