'The Khoj Book was born of a desire to mark the first ten years of Khoj International Artists' Association. What began as a celebration impulse has, however, shifted into a consolidated reflection of, and on, contemporary art practice in India during a particularly dynamic period. The book contains interviews of 101 Indian artists who have passed through our doors at Khoj over that decade, while the essays by eminent art critics and thinkers situate and critique Khoj itself within a wider art historical context.
The interview format - now an accepted genre in art history and criticism - was a natural choice for us. A constant struggle at Khoj has been to capture in print the energy of the many dialogues that develop as artists work together. While it is difficult to replicate the intensity of spontaneous exchange over burnt toast and computer crashes, we hope that the interviews of artists by artists will not only contribute to contemporary discourse and learning but will inspire conversations between peers to continue.
A unique compendium, The Khoj Book, we anticipate will provide the reader and researcher with material 'in the artist's own words' and a context from which to draw their own conclusions.' (Preface)
With artists' biographies and glossary of Indian words.
Mapping Khoj: Idea | Place | Network - Pooja SOOD
A Phenomenology of Encounters at Khoj - Geeta KAPUR
Coming to Terms with Restlessness: An Essay Offered in Friendship to Khoj - Shuddhabrata SENGUPTA
Probing the Khojness of Khoj - Nancy ADAJANIA
The Unbearable Confusion Around the Idea of Institutions - Rahul SRIVASTAVA
The Khoj Book 1997-2007: Contemporary Art Practice in India

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