In India, the tiger has long been a symbol of primal ferocity. Tiger by the Tail! refers to Indian women artists who, by claiming the tiger's power, are creating powerful images that witness women's experience and cry out for cultural change. The exhibition features work by three generations of contemporary Indian women artists working in a variety of media – painting, sculpture, drawing, photography, video and installation. These artists explore Indian cultural specificity around the issues of feminism, gender, sexuality and the representation of the female.

This rich and diverse exhibit seeks to enlarge the feminist discourse by introducing a body of work that is relatively unknown in the United States. While this art has much in common with its American counterpart in its political orientation and social charge, it differs in large measure in its historical context, aesthetics and modalities of representations.

Images of works in the catalogue are accompanied by artist statements and artist biographies.

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Chapter headings

Cultural Specificity and Feminist Art - Shulamit REINHARZ

In Praise of Shakti: Presenting Tiger by the Tail! - Wendy Tarlow KAPLAN

Breaking the Silence: Let Me Tell You of My Pain - Elinor W. GADON

Making 'A Space for Healing': Strategies for Resistance and Recovery - Roobina KARODE

The Logic of Birds: Points of Departure for Indian Women Artists - Nancy ADAJANIA

Tiger by the Tail! Women Artists of India Transforming Culture
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Tiger by the Tail! Women Artists of India Transforming Culture