The 3rd Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art
Venue |
Date |
Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia |
9 Sep 1999 – 26 Jan 2000 |
10 – 12 Sep 1999 |
Agus Ismoyo, 
Ah Xian, 阿仙, 
Alfredo Juan AQUILIZAN, 
Amanda HENG, 王良吟, 
Bundith PHUNSOMBATLERT, พูนสมบัติเลิศบัณฑิต, 
CAI Guoqiang, 蔡國強, 
CHEN Zhen, 陳箴, 
Chinkuan TAN, 陳振權, 
CHOI Jaeeun, 최재은, 
Dadang Christanto, 
Durriya KAZI, 
Elizabeth DADI, 
Fatimah CHIK, 
GUAN Wei, 關偉, 
HAN Myungok, 한명옥, 
Heri DONO, 
Hiroshi SUGIMOTO, 杉本博司, 
HSIA Yan, 夏陽, 
Iftikhar DADI, 
John Frank SABADO, 
Katsushige NAKAHASHI, 中ハシ克シゲ, 
KIM Youngjin, b. 1961, 김영진, 
Kimsooja, 김수자, 
LEE Mingwei, 李明維, 
LEE Wen, 李文, 
LI Yongbin, 李永斌, 
Masato NAKAMURA, 中村政人, 
Natee UTARIT, นที อุตฤทธิ์, 
NGUYEN Minh Thanh, 
NGUYEN Trung Tin, 
Pinaree SANPITAK, พินรี สัณฑ์พิทักษ์, 
Ravinder G. REDDY, 
Roberto Bulatao FELEO, 
Rummana HUSSAIN, 
S. Teddy Darmawan, 
Shahzia SIKANDER, 
SHI Yong, 施勇, 
Shigeaki IWAI, 岩井成昭, 
Simryn GILL, 
Surasi KUSOLWONG, สุรสีห์ กุศลวงศ์, 
Surendran NAIR, 
Tatsuo MIYAJIMA, 宮島達男, 
Tisna Sanjaya, 
Tissa DE ALWIS, 
Unimas Artists, 
VU Thang, 
WANG Jun-Jieh, 王俊傑, 
Wilson SHIEH, 石家豪, 
WU Ma-Li, 吳瑪悧, 
XU Bing, 徐冰, 
XU Tan, 徐坦, 
YEE Ilann, 
YIN Xiuzhen, 尹秀珍, 
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Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 5 May 1998
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Letter from Doug Hall to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 23 September 1998

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 01 June 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 4 June 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Suhanya Raffel, 1 June 1998
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

E-mail from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh,10 June 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 06 July 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

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Suhanya RAFFEL

E-mail from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Suhanya Raffel, 16 July 1998
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Zeibel, 17 June 2000

E-mail from Michael Brand to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 30 June 1999
Michael BRAND

Letter from Michael Brand to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 2 August 1999
Michael BRAND

E-mail from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 30 September 1999
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Michael Brand to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 21 October 1999
Michael BRAND

Letter from Caroline Turner to Gulammohammed Sheikh and Nilima Sheikh, 18 November 1999
Caroline TURNER

E-mail from Suhanya Raffel to Gulamohammed Sheikh, 30 September 1999
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Michael Brand and Suhanya Raffel, 22 April 1998
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

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Letter from Caroline Turner to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 26 February 1998
Caroline TURNER

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Caroline Turner, 8 March 1998
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 9 March 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh and Nilima Sheikh, 9 March 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Suhanya Raffel, 4 May 1998
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Suhanya Raffel and Michael Brand, 10 March 1998
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh and Nilima Sheikh, 21 April 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 11 March 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Michael Brand to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 10 March 1998
Michael BRAND

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Caroline TURNER

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Journey of a Yellow Man No. 13: Fragmented Bodies / Shifting Ground

The Third Asia Pacific Triennale Catalogue: Artist Essay on Lee Wen
LEE Weng Choy, 李永財

Thank You Letter from Rhana Devenport to Lee Wen, 20 March 2000
Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane

The Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art
Sachiko NAMBA, 難波祐子

Journey of a Yellow Man No. 13: Fragmented Bodies / Shifting Ground (Set of 237 Photographs)

Journey of a Yellow Man No. 13: Fragmented Bodies / Shifting Ground — Artist Statement
LEE Wen, 李文

Letter from Rhana Devenport to Oscar Ho, 9 February 1999

Letter from Rhana Devenport to Oscar Ho, 4 February 1998

Letter from Rhana Devenport to Ellen Pau, 18 May 1998

Letter from Michael Brand to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 18 August 1998
Michael BRAND

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 15 July 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 20 August 1998
Suhanya RAFFEL

Letter from Doug Hall to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 22 September 1998

Letter from Michael Brand to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 25 August 1998
Michael BRAND

Letter from Michael Brand to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 1 October 1998
Michael BRAND

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Michael Brand, 1 October 1998
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

E-mail from Michael Brand to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 27 April 1999
Michael BRAND

E-mails between Gulammohammed Sheikh and Michael Brand, 9 May 1999
Gulammohammed SHEIKH, Michael BRAND

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Michael Brand, 13 May 1999
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

E-mails between Gulammohammed Sheikh and Michael Brand, June 1999
Gulammohammed SHEIKH, Michael BRAND

E-mail from Michael Brand to Gulammohammed Sheikh, 02 June 1999
Michael BRAND

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Caroline Turner , 3 December 1999
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

Letter from Gulammohammed Sheikh to Robyn Zeibell, 17 June 2000
Gulammohammed SHEIKH

Letter from Caroline Turner to Gulammohammed Sheikh
Caroline TURNER

Letter from Suhanya Raffel to Gulammohammed Sheikh
Suhanya RAFFEL

Beyond the Future: The Third Asia-Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

APT3 Beyond the Future: Conference - Abstracts and Speaker Biographies

Performances by Lee Wen and Yuan Mor'O Ocampo