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Hong Kong Project by Apolonija Sustersic to Hou Hanru & Tinie Kerseboom — Proposal

6 Mar 1996
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"Hong Kong, etc." artists contact list

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2nd Johannesburg Biennale 1997: Logo

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A houseboat moored on Singelgracht by Owen Oppenheimer— Proposal

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Artist biographies and artwork titles of 'Hong Kong, etc.' (draft)

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Graphic design draft for "Hong Kong, etc."

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List of works and contact information of participants of 'Hong Kong, etc.'

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2nd Johannesburg Biennale 1997: Logo and contact

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Drafted floor plan of 'Hong Kong, etc.' (first floor of Rembrandt Galery)

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Floor plan and photographs of The Market Galleries

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Hong Kong: The City/ Travel/ Negotiation/"Spare List"

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Video Programme of 'Hong Kong, etc.'