Fei Dawei Archive 費大為檔案
"The 85 New Wave Today" Opening Forum at Ullens Center for Contemporary Art

14 Images
Speakers at the Opening Forum of UCCA — (from left) Peng De, Lu Mingjun, Wang Nanming, Pi Daojian, Zhouyan

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Entrance to "The 85 New Wave Today" Opening Forum at UCCA
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Speakers at the Opening Forum of UCCA — (from left) Marianne Brouwer, Wang Mingxian, Huang Zhuan, Huang Yongping, Andreas Schmid
尤倫斯當代藝術中心開幕論壇嘉賓——(左起)Marianne Brouwer,王明賢,黃專,黃永砯,施岸笛
9 Images