This archive is a collection of Wang Youshen’s editorial works, with an emphasis on his curation of the ‘New Generation Art’ exhibition. Also present are images of his works from 1986–2010, including major works (and related articles) like ‘Serious Game’ (1988), Newspaper · Curtain (1991), and his ongoing series ‘Washing’ which began in 1994.

Wang Youshen (b.1964) is an artist who lives and works in Beijing. Upon graduation from the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1988, Wang became the art editor of Beijing Youth Daily (Beijing Qingnianbao) and covered the development of Chinese art during the 1990s and early 2000s. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the resumption of the publication after the Cultural Revolution, Wang organised and curated the exhibition ‘New Generation Art’ at the Chinese History Museum in Beijing in 1991, which highlighted the differences between experimental art created in the 1980s and after 1989.


58 Folders, 332 Records


Wang Youshen Archive 王友身檔案

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