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(Art Asia Pacific), (ArtAsiaPacific), (Art and AsiaPacific)

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Chapter headings

A Question of Balance: Japan and Korea a the 48th Venice Biennale - Toshio SHIMIZU, 清水敏男

Open and Everywhere: Chinese Artists at the Venice Biennale - Francesca DAL LAGO

Different Totems: David Neel on the Grand Canal - Paula GUSTAFSON

Gap Viet Nam: A Vietnamese Encounter in Berlin - Birgit HUSSFELD

Out of Order: Art in Unusual Spaces in Manila - Ana P. LABRADOR

Knalpot: The Sound of Indonesian Voices - Martinus Dwi Marianto

Unveiled Reality: An Exhibition of Chinese Photography - Paula GUSTAFSON

The First Steps: Emerging Japanese artist in New York - Jonathan GOODMAN

The City, Art and the Garden: Possibilities for Japanese Art - Fumihiro NONOMURA, 野々村文宏

City of Make Believe: Post-handover monuments in Hong Kong - HO Hing Kay Oscar, 何慶基

Staging Controlled Chaos: An Interview with Tomoko Takahashi - Robert PREECE

Representation As Detour: Three Anecdotes about Singapore Art - LEE Weng Choy, 李永財

Of Commodities and Kings: Tang Da Wu's Play with Psycho-geography and Public Memory - Lucy DAVIS

Cities on the Move: A Dialogue between Curators and Artists - HOU Hanru, 侯瀚如, Hans Ulrich OBRIST

Discourse and Displacement: Contemplating Beijing's Urban Landscape - Xiaoping LIN

Reviews: (The United States) Katsuya Komagata - Collette CHATTOPADHYAY

Reviews: (Australia) Mathias Kauage - Victoria HYNES

Reviews: (The United States) Fang Lijun - Jonathan GOODMAN

Reviews: (The United States) Soonja Oh Kim - Collette CHATTOPADHYAY

Reviews: (The United States) Vinod Dave - Karin MILLER-LEWIS

Reviews: (India) Anju Dodiya - M.A. GREENSTEIN

Reviews: (China) Going Underground - Julian SCARFF

Reviews: (The United States) Zhang Peili - Mathieu BORYSEVICZ

Reviews: (Australia) Surveilling the real - Courtney KIDD

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This item is covered by one or more copyrights. It is available for research only or use within Hong Kong’s fair dealing rules. Please do not copy, re-use or reproduce this item without the permission of the copyright holder.

ART AsiaPacific (No. 25; 2000)