This volume brings together a series of essays about art in Hong Kong written from mid 1980s to mid 1990s, with the intention of offering a chronicle of the Hong Kong art world during a time of immense changes. Most of the essays concern themselves with the work of local artists , but Western artists whose works have been exhibited in the territory are also discussed. Particular artists and works of art are the focus, while debates over issues regarding curatorship and arts policy are also examined.
Art and Place: Essays on Art from a Hong Kong Perspective
CHAN Chiling, 陳志玲, 
CHAN Wai Man Raymond, 陳偉民, 
Kurt CHAN, 陳育強, 
CHU Hing Wah, 朱興華, 
FANG Zhaoling, 方召麐, 
HO Hing Kay Oscar, 何慶基, 
KWOK Manlung, 郭文龍, 
LAI Kin Keung Edwin, 黎健強, 
Osbert LAM, 林世昌, 
LI Tiefu, 李鐵夫, 
LI Yishi, 
LIEN Teh-Cheng, 連德誠, 
LIN Fengmian, 林風眠, 
LIU Wei, 劉煒, 
LO Mei, 盧美媚, 
LO Yuen Man Yvonne, 盧婉雯, 
LUI Shou-kwan, 呂壽琨, 
Antonio MAK, 麥顯揚, 
TANG Kongfai, 
VAN Lau, 文樓, 
WANG Guangyi, 王廣義, 
WANG Hai, 王亥, 
WANG Ziwei, 王子衛, 
WONG Kan Tai, 黃勤帶, 
WONG Shun Kit, 王純杰, 
WONG Wo Bik, 王禾璧, 
WONG Yan Kwai Yank, 黃仁逵, 
Wucius WONG, 王無邪, 
WU Ma-Li, 吳瑪悧, 
YU Youhan, 余友涵, 
Danny YUNG, 榮念曾, 
ZHANG Bo, 張波, 
Site-Specificity in Recent Art
Monologues without Words: Museum Displays as Art Historial Narratives
The Art of Chan Chi-ling
A Sense of Place: Chan Chi-ling and Wong Wo-bik in Conversation with David Clarke
Innocence and Experience: The Art of Mei Lo
The insufficiency of Tradition: Paintings by Fang Zhaoling and Chu Hing-wah
Photography and Social Reproduction
Zuni Icosahedron in Context
Grimm's Fairy Tales: A Series of Etchings by David Hockney
The Blue Guitar
Drawing from the Unconscious: The Surrealist Art of Max Ernst
German Graphics in the 1970s
Aspects of Contemporary Australian Art
Hot and Cool: The art of Robert Rauschenberg
Rodin and the Fragmented Figure
The Aesthetic of the Sketch
National Shows at the 1995 Venice Biennale
Art and the History of the Body: A Review of 'Identity and Alterity' - the Keynote Show of the 1995 Venice Biennale
Li Tiefu and Western Art
Exile from Tradition: Chinese and Western Traits in the Art of Lin Fengmian
Reframing Mao: Aspects of Recent Chinese Art Popular Culture and Politics
Foreign Bodies: Chinese Art at the 1995 Venice Biennale
Museums Artists Audiences
Private Art in a Public Place
'In Search of Art': Look back with the Future in Mind
Engaging Tradition
Photography Art Life
The Culture of Democracy: Looking at Art in Hong Kong
The Arts Policy of Review Report: Some Responses
Submission to the Legislative Council's Panel on Recreation and Culture Concerning the Proposed Arts Development Council
Research and the Nurturing of Public Understanding of Art
Between East and West: Negotiations with Tradition and Modernity in Hong Kong Art
The Sculpture of Antonio Mak
The Art of Yank Wong
Art & Place: Essays on Art from a Hong Kong Perspective

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