This little book introduces the reader to twelve of Tokyo's galleries and museums which Ashley Rawlings and Craig Mod found the most inspiring. For each art space, general information, a location map, interviews and/or article are provided. Through introducing readers to art spaces both new and old, well-known and not, a cross-section of the Tokyo art world comes to light.

This is the second edition of the book. Glossary, list of further resources and a brief chronology of events in the Tokyo art world from 1950 to 2010 are provided in the appendixes.
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Chapter headings

Hara Museum of Contemporary Art

Toshio Hara & Yoko Uchida, Hara Museum

Changes in Tokyo's Contemporary Art Scene since the 1990s - Fumihiko SUMITOMO, 住友文彥

Gallery Koyanagi

Atsuko Koyanagi, Gallery Koyanagi

Ryutaro Takahashi, Takahashi Collection

Nakaochiai Gallery

Julia Barnes & Clint Taniguchi, Nakaochiai Gallery

Paul Baron, Kosuke Fujitaka & Oliver Thereaux, Tokyo Art Beat

The State of Art Journalism & Criticism in Tokyo - Tetsuya OZAKI, 小崎哲哉

Watari Museum of Contemporary Art

Etsuko Watari, Watari Museum

Under the Influence: The Syntax of Tokyo Graffiti - Ian LYNAM

GA Gallery

Yoshio Futagawa, GA Gallery

A Huge, Ever-Growing, Pulsating Brain that Rules from the Empty Center of a City Called Tokyo - Roger McDONALD

21_21 Design Sight

Noriko Kawakami, 21_21 Design Sight

Fumio Nanjo, Mori Art Museum

SCAI The Bathhouse

Maasami Shiraishi, SCAI The Bathhouse

Misa Shin, Art Fair Tokyo

Agatha Wara, Antonin Gaultier, Julia Barnes & Kosuke Fujitaka - 101Tokyo Contemporary Art Fair

Tokyo Gallery + BTAP

Hozu Yamamoto, Tokyo Gallery + BTAP

Yukihito Tabata, Tokyo Gallery + BTAP

Gallery ÉF

Mahiro, Gallery éf

Ikko Suzuki & Kirara Kawachi, Dancer & Artist

Aoyama | Meguro

Hideki Aoyama, Aoyama | Meguro

Yoichiro Kurata, Shinwa Art Auction

Project Space Kandada

Masato Nakamura & Shingo Suzuki, Project Space Kandada

Tokyo's Art Scene Today: The Power Napping of Art Showing - Eric Van Hove

Ghibli Museum

Kiyofumi Nakajima, Ghibli Museum

Takashi Murakami: Tokyo Impresario - Roland KELTS

Art Space Tokyo: An Intimate Guide to the Tokyo Art World
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Art Space Tokyo: An Intimate Guide to the Tokyo Art World

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