Documents the artistic career of Xu Beihong in Singapore before 1942. Singapore's collection of Xu's works is regarded as substantial as China's, with more than 1,000 works completed in Southeast Asia and India during the World War II - among them are the celebrated paintings Cantering (1944), The Foolish Old Man Who Removed the Mountains (1940) and Put down Your Whip (1939). Also recorded are Xu's activities in Jiang-Xia Tang and Yu-Qu Yuan, his journey to India and other events. Includes essays on Xu's life and oeuvre. With chronology of key events in Southeast Asia and India.
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Chinese - Simplified

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Content type

artist monograph

Chapter headings

為什麼要寫徐悲鴻 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

徐悲鴻藏寶記(上)-羅弄泉枯井藏寶 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

徐悲鴻藏寶記(下)-黃梨樹下的秘密 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

學困巴黎 緣結星洲 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

趙少昂與徐悲鴻 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

萬馬奔騰江夏堂 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

百扇齋主手拓悲鴻用印 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

徐悲鴻寫給林語堂的9封信 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

半世紀前的藝壇盛事-1939年徐悲鴻畫展 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

徐悲鴻與早期的華人美術研究會 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

大師的會見 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

徐悲鴻的李曼峰畫集序 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

面包紙上的序文 - YANG Shanshen, 楊善深

總督與舞女的畫像 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

失而復得的寒江垂釣圖 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

敬廬松風-徐悲鴻與黃孟圭的敬廬學校 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

徐悲鴻的印度之旅 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

徐悲鴻與廣洽法師的佛緣 - Tanjuan HAN, 韓山元

悲鴻 檳城 逸事 - Tanjuan HAN, 韓山元

徐悲鴻星洲集憶 - XU Junlian, 徐君濂

回首悲鴻事 - MA Jun, 馬駿

故人情深 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

編著後記 - AUYEUNG Hingyee, 歐陽興義

(Beihong in Singapore)
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Beihong in Singapore, 悲鴻在星洲