'Conceived in collaboration with curator Sharmini Pereira, design studio OK-RM and published on the occasion of the 2011 Abraaj Capital Art Prize, Footnote to a Project* is a collection of images, citations and references that support and inform the creation of the five selected artworks. Informed by the book’s title, the headline concept was to express the historical traditions of footnoting and its relationship with reading and writing. The designers adopted the use of a variety of typographic symbols traditionally used by type setters to indicate footnotes. The book takes the form of an enlarged paper back and is split into 5 equal parts — one for each artist — providing an in-depth documentation of the works through images and extended captions. The book is accompanied by two book marks intended to facilitate navigation between image and text.' - from publisher's website
Works featured in this catalogue were shown at Art Dubai, 16-19 March 2011. 'Endnotes' section includes notes by the curator and chair, biographies and an overview of the prize.
award,  group exhibition
Footnote to a Project: The 2011 Abraaj Capital Art Prize

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