To commemorate the 10th Anniversary of the Handover, local artists from Hong Kong were invited to participate in an exhibition ‘Reversing Horizons’, held at the Museum of Contemporary Art (MoCA) in Shanghai. Artists explore self-identity and social issues in their works.
AU Hoi Lam, 區凱琳,  Suki CHAN, 陳淑雲,  CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁,  CHEUNG Wan Man Amy, 張韻雯,  Luke CHING, 程展緯,  CHOW Chun Fai, 周俊輝,  GAO Shiming, 高士明,  HAI Bo, 海波,  Martina KOEPPEL-YANG, 楊天娜,  KWAN Sheung Chi, 關尚智,  LAW Yuk Mui, 羅玉梅,  LEE Kit, 李傑,  LEUNG Chi Wo Warren, 梁志和,  LUI Chun Kwong, 呂振光,  MAP Office,  PAK Sheung Chuen Tozer, 白雙全,  Angela SU, 徐世琪,  Yukking TAN, 陳玉瓊,  Silia TUNG, 董葭,  WONG Chung Yu, 黃琮瑜,  ZHANG Xiaogang, 張曉剛,  ZHENG Bo, 鄭波
Chinese - Traditional
identity,  border,  survey exhibition,  group exhibition
22 Jul 2007
Wenweipao, 22 Jul 2007, p. C4
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