Hong Kong Performance Art On the Move was a yearlong project that involved many performance/live art practitioners from Hong Kong and abroad in a series of performances, workshops and seminars. Events were held every 2 to 3 months to address themes such as the Chinese art scene, gender and body issues, social activism and globalization etc. International artists were invited to participate in intense exchanges with local artists as well as with the public.
This DVD contains the video recording of 'Reviewing Performance Art', a seminar held on 24 April 2005 at Para/Site Art Space. Speakers included Mok Chiu Yu (on Hong Kong), Thomas Berghuis (on China) and Seiji Shimoda (on Japan), with Damian Cheng/Siu Sai moderating the discussion.
In Cantonese and English.
This DVD contains the video recording of 'Reviewing Performance Art', a seminar held on 24 April 2005 at Para/Site Art Space. Speakers included Mok Chiu Yu (on Hong Kong), Thomas Berghuis (on China) and Seiji Shimoda (on Japan), with Damian Cheng/Siu Sai moderating the discussion.
In Cantonese and English.
Access level
production company/producer
Location code
Chinese - Traditional, 
performance art,  talk,  Hong Kong
Publication/Creation date
Running time
Video format
No of copies
Content type
event photograph/recording
Hong Kong Performance Art on the Move, 24 April 2005 - Seminar: Reviewing Performance Art (Cam 2)

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Wed, 28 Nov 2018, 7:30 – 9 PM
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