'Over ten years have gone by since the Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook was launched in 2000. Bilingual in Chinese and English, it is the most comprehensive annalistic toolbook for Hong Kong Visual Arts, with the aid of photos.

The Yearbook is composed of two sections, "Essays" and "Chronicles"; the former is made up of essays by academic experts who draw comprehensive commentaries while focusing on selective local visual arts events; while the latter gathers and catalogues all types of visual arts events of the year. One is subjective observation and analysis on a broad scope, while the other is microscopic listing of objective data; both are interdependent on as well as complementary to each other.' (Front Flap)

The 'Chronicles' section covers the visual arts activities happened in or related to Hong Kong in multiple facets, including public issues, publications, exhibitions, talks and symposiums, awards, and education. This book features the part of public issues only. For the online version of all the above topics, please visit: www.hkvisualartsyearbook.org.

'於2000年初次出版,至今已逾十載。中英文雙語印行,圖文並茂。為迄今最全面的香港視覺藝術編年工具書。 分為「專題論述」和「視藝記事」兩大部分,編集全年本地藝術家於本地及海外的視藝活動,並結合學者專家的分析論文:一為宏觀主觀的觀察陳述;一為微觀客觀的數據縷述,兩者互相依存,互為補充。' (摘錄自書皮瓣) 「視藝記事」部分列出有關香港視覺藝術的公眾議題、論著、展覧、講座及研討會、獎項、和教育。此書只收錄公眾議題一類別,其餘類別均為網上版,請參閱:www.hkvisualartsyearbook.org

Alternative title

Hong Kong Arts Development Council - Yearbook Series | 香港藝術發展局 - 年鑑系列 | xiang gang shi jue yi shu nian jian 2012

Access level


Location code
REF.CYK (Hong Kong Room)

Chinese - Traditional, 


Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type


Chapter headings

Explanatory Notes/ 凡例

Essays/ 專題論述

The Artistic Universe of Irene Chou/ 周綠雲的藝術宇宙

Chow Chun Fai, Hong Kong, Election Campaign in Mixed Media, size variable, 2012/ 周俊輝參選立法會為香港社會寫生

Visual Arts Education in Face of Hong Kong's Cultural Policy (or its lack of ) - a Revelation from the HKBU Kai Tak Campus Incident/ 當專上視藝教育在香港文化政策(或其缺席)面前-浸大啟德校園事件的啟示

The Wise and the Virtuous: The Art of Yuen Hung-shue/ 動靜樂壽:三不亦堂主人袁鴻樞先生的書畫藝術

The Myth of Printmaking: Revelations from Two Print Exhibitions in 2012/ 版畫的迷思:從 2012年兩個版畫展的啟示

Performance Art in Hong Kong 2012: Art and Action of Being/ 香港行為藝術2012年:藝術與存在的行動 

People, Encounters, Stories - 50 Years of the Hong Kong Museum of Art/ 故緣人事-香港藝術館五十年

Chronicles: Public Issues/ 視藝記事: 公眾議題

2012 Legislative Council 'Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication' Functional Constituency Election/ 2012立法會「體育、演藝、文化及出版」功能界別選舉

'Culture Bureau'/ 「文化局」

Campus Tenancy Renewal for the Academy for Visual Arts, Hong Kong Baptist University/ 香港浸會大學啟德校園續租事件

West Kowloon Cultural District/ 西九文化區

Controversy on the Curatorial Arrangement for the 55th Venice Biennale/ 第五十五屆威尼斯藝術雙年展策劃爭議

Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2012
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Hong Kong Visual Arts Yearbook 2012, 香港視覺藝術年鑑 2012