What was the vision that inspired, say, Syed Ahmad Khan and Rabindranath Tagore, to conceive of an education centre? What meanings did they and the generations thereafter attach to Western learning? Again, how did the gurukuls in Haryana and the Presidency College in Calcutta relate to the colonial government? How did Dehli College, St. Stephen's College, Indraprastha College and the Jamia Millia Islamia, all located in the same city, respond to nationalist activities? What has been the impact of the changes that have taken place after Independence? Finally, are there some lessons to be drawn from the experiences and performance of our educational institutions?' (Excerpt from front flap)
art education,  India
Introduction - Mushirul HASAN
The 'Subalternity' of Education: Gurukuls in Rural Southeast Punjab - Nonica DATTA
St. Stephen's College, Dehli, 1881-1997: An 'Alexandria on the Banks of Jamuna'? - David BAKER
The Halcyon Yesteryears of Dehli College: A Chequered History - Nina Dey GUPTA
The Interior and the Exterior: Indraprastha College for Women - Narayani GUPTA, Sheila Uttam SINGH
Jamia Millia Islamia: Career of Azad Talim - Mohammad TALIH
Negotiating with Its Past and Present: The Changing Profile of the Aligarh Muslim University - Mushirul HASAN
Between National Integration and Islamism: Lucknow's Nadwat Al-Ulama - Jamal MALIK
The College by a River: Patna College - Sujit MUKHERJEE
Santiniketan: The School of a Poet - Uma DASGUPTA
Presidency College, Calcutta: An Unfinished History - Benjamin ZACHARIAH, Subhas Ranjan CHAKRABORTI, Rajat Kanta RAY
The Elphinstone College, Bombay, 1827-1890: A Case Study in 19th Century English Education - Naheed F. AHMAD
'Missionary Legacies and Christ-Filled Doctors': Gender, Religion & Professionalisation in the History of the Christian Medical College, Vellore - Maina Chawla SINGH
Knowledge, Power & Politics: Educational Institutions in India

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