In 2002, Para/Site Art Space began a series of retrospective exhibitions of established Hong Kong artists. This is the fourth show in the series and reviews Oscar Ho's career as an artist and curator since the 1980s. Detailed biography provided, with selected writings on Ho.
Chinese - Traditional, 
curatorial practice,  painting,  drawing,  solo exhibition
artist monograph, 
Trading places - Matthew TURNER, 田邁修
My curatorial work, my art - HO Hing Kay Oscar, 何慶基
Folk lore of current affairs - CHANG Tsongzung Johnson, 張頌仁
Oscar Ho's Stories Around Town - LAI Meilin Eliza, 黎美蓮
Oscar Ho and the art of curating - David CLARKE, 祈大衛
At the centre of art is... - Irene NGAN, 顏淑芬
A tribute to Oscar Ho on the occasion of this para-exhibition - LEE Oufan Leo, 李歐梵
Their expectations, My own ideas - A profile of Oscar Ho - HO Siu Kee, 何兆基
The 'art-worker' Oscar - LAU Kin Wah Jaspar, 劉建華
Mapping Identities: The Art and Curating of Oscar Ho, 身份何在:何慶基的策展工作及藝術

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