'In the wake of rapid globalization, many enthusiastically declared cosmopolitanism to be no longer just a philosophical ideal, but a real, existing fact. Across the world, they argued, people were increasingly considering themselves global citizens. Meanwhile, the global ecological crisis worsened, fascism returned, repression of disenfranchised groups on a global scale persisted, and the “refugee crisis” inundated the mediascape. What happened to the cosmopolitan promise, and who betrayed it? minor cosmopolitan challenges the underlying premises of major cosmopolitanism without letting go of the unfulfilled emancipatory potential of the concept at large. It rethinks cosmopolitanisms in the plural, and it traces multiple origins and trajectories of cosmopolitan thought across the globe. Assembling theoretical, artistic, and essayistic contributions in textual or visual formats, minor cosmopolitan seeks to discuss how to live at once with our difference and shared struggle and asks who sustains the world’s flourishing.' —description taken from RTG Minor Cosmopolitanisms website


Contents include: 

Entering the (minor) cosmos
Arjun Appadurai: The Passport
Sundar Sarrukai: Empty Objects
Marina Camargo: The Spaces in Between
Mario Bellatin: El palito de la jaula del pájaro de la abuela

James Miller: Porosity and Planetarity: On (minor) Cosmopolitan Virality
Liad Hussein Kantorowicz: When You Died, the City Died with You
Sarnath Banerjee: I Don’t Feel Postcolonial When I Wake up Every Morning in Delhi (No One Here Does)
Lucy Gasser: Other Europes, Past and Future
Sikho Siyotula: On Other Poleis

Intermezzo: the minor cosmopolitan weekend

Who Sustains the Flourishing of the World?
Rosa Barotsi, Saima Akhtar, Clio Nicastro: Introduction: Film, Women’s Work & Labour Organizing
Mary Jirmanus Saba: Feminist Internationalism: From Solidarity to Sandwiches
Vivian Price: Times are Changing, Minds are also Changing: Patriarchy, Neoliberalism and the Construction Industry

Ambiguous Utopias
Tom Holert: Surrealism’s Peripheries, feat. Huang Ya-li Sing Song-Yong, Iwaya Kunio: “Synchronic Constellation – Le Moulin Society and its Time”
James Burton: Ambiguous Utopias: Science Fiction and Minor Cosmopolitanism
Hinemoana Baker: Rest Home

Voicing the minor cosmopolitan
Irene Hilden and Anaïs Héraud-Louisadat: Of Voices, Noises & Colonial Traces
Liu Chuang: Bitcoin Mining and Field Recordings of Ethnic Minorities
Dong Bingfeng: Bio-Archiving: Shenyang Underground Music as History, Awareness of Life, and Art in Action
Julian Henriques and Zairong Xiang: Mumbo Jumbo, Jiggery-Pokery, Cosmopolitricks


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Minor Cosmopolitan: Thinking Art, Politics, and the Universe Together Otherwise
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minor cosmopolitan: Thinking Art, Politics, and the Universe Together Otherwise