Public Moment: Workshop 1
conference,  artist residency,  exchange programme,  artist village,  workshop,  Nepal,  Cambodia,  Vietnam,  Philippines,  Thailand,  Bangladesh,  Pakistan,  Sri Lanka,  India,  Singapore,  Indonesia,  Asia,  Myanmar (Burma)
conference proceedings, 
Intra Asia Network Workshop
Why Intra Asia Network Workshop in Korea Now? - SHIN Hyunjin, 신현진
2006 Intra Asia Network Workshop Final Report
2006 Intra Asia Network Workshop: Symposium
Below the Radar Screen: dynamic new artist led movements in Asia - Margaret SHIU, 蕭麗虹, YAO Anne
Cultural Tourism & Cultural Exchange: some reasons to be travelers - Penelope AITKEN
Roles of Artist Villages in Local Cultural Policies - KIM Kyuwon
Making Culture Town: the Case Study of Changmoon Village for Culture and Farming - PARK Sukyoon
New Ways of Engaging Asia: Artists' Mobility and Artist-in-Residencies, 아시아를 연결하는 새로운 방법들- 예술가의 이동과 거주 프로그램

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