This catalogue is published in conjunction with 'Palestine c/o Venice', a collateral event of the 53rd Art Exhibition, La Biennale di Venezia. 'Palestine c/o Venice marks the first Palestinian participation. This exhibition embraces the Palestinian people through a conceptual framework that questions the disproportionate use of the media image of Palestinians as faces without names and people without a voice. The works challenge media imagery that simplifies and re-contextualizes the events in Palestine thereby producing repeated clichés through sensational sound bites that gloss over historical and realistic perspectives.' - Salwa Mikdadi, from the Foreword.
With illustrations of participating artists' works, artist statements, information on venues in Palestine, and artists' and exhibition team biographies.
group exhibition,  perennial exhibition,  Palestinian Territories,  migration,  diaspora
What if...? "come sarebbe se...?" - Vittorio URBANI
Palestine c/o Venice - Salwa D. MIKDADI
Act of Reconciliation - Jack PERSEKIAN
Contemporary Palestinian Cultural Paradoxes - Adila LAIDI-HANIEH
Intimate Landscapes/Dissected Terrains - Tina SHERWELL
Palestine c/o Venice

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