Wu Yaozhung (1937-1987), student of Taiwanese painter Lee Meishu, is regarded as one of the most prominent realist artists in Post-War Taiwan. Edited by Lin Liyun, Chen Juihua and Su Shufen, this book brings together about 130 artworks that were once scattered around the world, some previously unseen and kept by Wu's families and friends. A collection of paintings and drawings created as covers of magazines and other publications are shown, following by around 70 portraits of Nobel laureates in Literature and acclaimed authors, created for 諾貝爾文學獎全集 and 世界文學全集 published by Vista Publishing. Alongside the artist's oeuvre, this book includes articles and interviews of the various owners of Wu's works, offering personal accounts of the artist's life and diverse entry points into his art. With artist chronology.

尋畫: 吳耀忠的畫作、朋友與左翼精神 (Searching for Wu Yaozhong's Paintings: About His Oeuvre, Friends and Socialist Thinking) (MON.WYZ (Closed Stack)), written by Lin Liyun, is also available in the Archive.

'吳耀忠(1937-1987)生於台北三峽,師承寫實主義大家李梅樹,是台灣戰後現實主義繪畫的代表人物。為了替畫家寫下生命故事,為了追溯台灣戰後現實主義文藝的流變,為了理解台灣左翼精神的發展,由三位朋友組成了尋畫小組,找出一百三十餘件散藏各處的吳耀忠作品,在眾多朋友的成全及協力下,編輯了這本書畫冊。本書內容分為三輯:輯一「藏畫‧故事」是親友收藏的吳耀忠畫作及藏畫者所訴說的吳耀忠,輯二「書封‧原畫」是吳耀忠為台灣文藝仙人掌大地生活等雜誌以及遠景、遠行、四季等出版社所畫的封面作品,輯三「作家‧群像」則是遠景出版社諾貝爾文學獎全集世界文學全集兩個書系由吳耀忠所畫的作家肖像畫。' (節自出版社書目簡介,檢索自 http://www.vistaread.com/book.php?id=1402)

文獻庫亦藏有尋畫: 吳耀忠的畫作、朋友與左翼精神 (MON.WYZ (Closed Stack))。
Alternative title

xun hua: xian shi zhu yi hua jia wu yao zhong

Access level


Location code

Chinese - Traditional

Publication/Creation date


No of pages




No of copies


Content type

artist monograph

Chapter headings

尋畫-追尋吳耀忠的畫作、朋友與左翼精神 - CHEN Juihua, 陳瑞樺

輯一 藏畫.故事

01 人與歷史-畫家吳耀忠訪問記 | 許南村 - CHEN Yingzhen, 陳映真

02 兄妹情緣 | 吳明珠

03 《長夜》無盡 | 陳金吉

04 一個寂寞的心靈 | 尉天驄 - WEI Tientsung, 尉天聰

05 蛋殼與酒精-景美看守所紀事 | 陳中統

06 書衣的故事 | 鍾肇政

07 悲憫人間苦難-憶畫家吳耀忠 | 曾心儀 - CENG Xinyi, 曾心儀

08 耀忠難忘 | 施善繼 - SHI Shanji, 施善繼

09 在塵埃中嚮往純潔-戰後台灣美術社會寫實第一人: 吳耀忠 | 李賢文 - LEE Shienwen, 李賢文

10 春之火花 | 陳逢椿

11 生命中的三次會遇 | 李健儀 - LI Jianyi, 李健儀

12 向日葵-懷吳耀忠 | 楊渡 - YANG Du, 楊渡

13 在黑暗中......-遙念吳耀忠 | 鍾喬 - ZHONG Qiao, 鍾喬

14 遺忘在記憶深處裡的吳耀忠 | 徐璐 - XU Lu, 徐璐

15 浪漫與遺忘-誌吳耀忠 | 陳素香 - CHEN Suxiang, 陳素香

16 寂寞卻堅定的寫實主義畫家-吳耀忠 | 吳佳謀 - WU Jiamou, 吳佳謀

17 無法填滿的蒼白-追憶大伯吳耀忠 | 吳冠德 - WU Guande, 吳冠德

輯二 書封.原畫

輯三 作家.群像

Searching for Wu Yaozhong’s Paintings: Stories of a Realist Artist
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Searching for Wu Yaozhong’s Paintings: Stories of a Realist Artist, 尋畫: 現實主義畫家吳耀忠

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