At once engaging and educational, spanning Hiroshige to Sugimoto and beyond, See/Saw is a must-have for the serious art lover as well as the trendsetter who will delight in the sampling, mixing, and artistic homage throughout this comprehensive collection of work.' (Back cover)
Artist biographies included.
Makoto AIDA, 会田誠, 
Genpei AKASEGAWA, 赤瀨川原平, 
Nobuyoshi ARAKI, 荒木経惟, 
Chu ENOKI, 榎忠, 
Terunobu FUJIMORI, 
Etsuko FUKAYA, 冨谷悦子, 
Takashi HOMMA, ホンマタカシ, 
Junya ISHIGAMI, 石上純也, 
Sachiko KAZAMA, 風間サチコ, 
Tomoko KONOIKE, 鴻池朋子, 
Mami KOSEMURA, 小瀬村真美, 
Yayoi KUSAMA, 草間彌生, 
Kumi MACHIDA, 町田久美, 
Fuyuko MATSUI, 松井冬子, 
Atsuhiko MISAWA, 三沢厚彦, 
Tatsuo MIYAJIMA, 宮島達男, 
Mai MIYAKE, 三宅麻衣, 
Takashi MURAKAMI, 村上隆, 
Rei NAITO, 內藤礼, 
Masayoshi NAKAJO, 仲條正義, 
Tetsuya NAKAMURA, 中村哲也, 
Yoshitomo NARA, 奈良美智, 
Yasuyuki NISHIO, 西尾康之, 
Isamu NOGUCHI, 野口勇, 
Shinro OHTAKE, 大竹伸朗, 
Oscar Satio OIWA, 大岩オスカール, 
Taro OKAMOTO, 岡本太郎, 
Kishin SHINOYAMA, 篠山紀信, 
Kotobuki SHIRIAGARI, しりあがり寿, 
Yoshihiro SUDA, 須田悅弘, 
Hiroshi SUGIMOTO, 杉本博司, 
Tabaimo, 束芋, 
Keisuke TANAKA, 
Yoshio TANIGUCHI, 谷口吉生, 
Masaru TATSUKI, 田附勝, 
Hisashi TENMYOYA, 天明屋尚, 
Shoen UEMURA, 上松松園, 
Akira YAMAGUCHI, 山口晃, 
Kenji YANOBE, ヤノベケンジ, 
Tadanori YOKOO, 橫尾忠則, 
Nihonga,  comics,  photography,  drawing,  architecture,  design,  Japan
Chapter 1: Allusion (mitate)
Chapter 2: Space (ma)
Chapter 3: Kabuki
Chapter 4: Diorama (kei)
Chapter 5: Animism (tama)
Chapter 6: Jest (tawake)
Chapter 7: Empty (mu)
See/Saw: Connections Between Japanese Art Then and Now

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