The present publication consists of three books. Book 1 and 2 include works and writings by Hong Kong photographers Au Wailin and Wong Chifai respectively. Book 3 features articles by various Hong Kong writers on critical issues and ideas surrounding conceptual photography, using Au Wailin's The Portraits of Sur'LAssitte Family as the starting point.
She ying zai chu fa | Book1: The Portraits of Sur'LAssitte Family | Book2: 我,一個時空特撮多功能無污染身份妄想症病患者的超文本旅行筆記
Chinese - Traditional, 
photography,  conceptual photography,  Hong Kong
The Sur'LAssitte Family Controversy - CHAN Waifun, 陳惠芬
The Extension of the Mind-Image - NG Ricky, 伍鈺堃
The Banquet of the Flash (Shutter) - CHENG Waipang Damian / Tiny West (小西), 鄭威鵬
The Aesthetic Falling of Conceptual Arts - SHUM Longtin, 岑朗天
<<維特根斯坦>>不可通約的摘句 - K.H.選摘 (in Chinese only)
我上了你的巴士 - LO Yin Shan, 盧燕珊
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