Interview with Fung Mei Wah May, 23 October 1998 (Part 2), 訪問馮美華,一九九八年十月二十三日(第二部份)
Interview with Fung Meiwah May by Leung Chiwo Warren
In the second part of the interview, Fung says Hong Kong’s creative environment has many young and active artists and an atmosphere conducive to creativity, but art critics and art review platforms, which promote and support artists from behind the scenes, are lacking. She also laments that the forum for writing about art is limited, and discussions on new media are particularly lacking (1:45–9:54). Fung points out that Hong Kong artworks exhibited regional characteristics and identity. She did not engage in sufficient analysis on Hong Kong art because the works appear to be scattered and fragmentary. As far as regional characteristics are concerned, Fung claims that Hong Kong art should remain diverse and inclusive, which means it should not be partial to either Chinese nationalism or foreign influences. Having said that, Fung suggests that possessing solid knowledge of Chinese culture and art must be a prerequisite for understanding Hong Kong art (11:50–24:17).
在訪問的第二節裡,馮氏認為在香港的創作環境中有不少年輕及活躍的創作人及氛圍,但缺少在背後作推動及支援的藝評人及評論平台,並有感文字空間狹窄,尤其缺乏對於新媒體的討論 (1:45-9:54)。馮氏指出香港的藝術作品有其地域和身份的特性,可能較分散及零碎,未有足夠深入研究;而談到作品的地域性,馮氏表示香港應保留百花齊放、兼容並蓄的特色,不應過份強調中國的民族主義或盲目崇洋,但必須多認識中國的文化藝術 (11:50-24:17)。
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