'With the upheavals coming in the wake of globalization and its attendant movements over the past twenty years, the era that witnessed the prevalence of Western canons in art history has come to a close. A global, contemporary art of diverse origins has now taken its place. But what are the implications for museums? According to what guidelines will they function in the future, and what roles are they to play? These are some among the opening questions posed by the "Global Art and the Museum" research project initiated a good five years ago at the ZKM ǀ Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe, and which has recently culminated in a large-scale exhibition The Global Contemporary Art. Art Worlds after 1989 followed by the present publication The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New Art Worlds.’ (excerpt from preface)
Includes artist biographies of participating artists, index of exhibited works, biographies of contributing authors, and select colour reproductions of exhibited works.
Bani ABIDI, 
Agung Kurniawan, 
Halim AL-KARIM, 
Rasheed ARAEEN, 
CAI Yuan, 蔡元, 
HONG Hao, 洪浩, 
JIN Shi, 金石, 
Surasi KUSOLWONG, สุรสีห์ กุศลวงศ์, 
KWAN Will, 
LIU Ding, 劉鼎, 
Mad for Real, 
MIAO Xiaochun, 繆曉春, 
Krisna MURTI, 
NI Haifeng, 倪海峰, 
Tsuyoshi OZAWA, 小沢剛, 
Raqs Media Collective, 
Araya RASDJARMREARNSOOK, อารยา ราษฎร์จำเริญสุข, 
Navin RAWANCHAIKUL, นาวิน ลาวัลย์ชัยกุล, 
Ho-Yeol RYU, 
Tintin WULIA, 
Xijing Men, 西京人, 
XU Bing, 徐冰, 
Yangzi, 羊子, 
art history,  perennial exhibition,  art administration,  cultural policy,  curatorial practice,  Thailand,  South Korea,  Pakistan,  India,  China,  Hong Kong,  Japan
Globalization and Contemporary Art - Peter WEIBEL
From Art World to Art Worlds - Hans BELTING, Andrea BUDDENSIEG
Conversation with Edouard Glissant Abroad the RMS Queen Mary 2 - Manthia DIAWARA
Rasheed Araeen: Artist and Critic - Andrea BUDDENSIEG
Room for Histories
From World Art to Global Art: View on a New Panorama - Hans BELTING
Contemporary Art: World Currents in Transition Beyond Globalization - Terry SMITH
The Endogenous-Exogenous Interface in Globalism: The Case of China and Thailand - John CLARK, 姜苦樂
Writing on Art After 1989 - Piotr PIOTROWSKI
Magiciens de la terre (Conversation with Hans Belting) - Jean-Hubert MARTIN
Itinerary of a Curator. 'Magiciens de la terre' and After - Andrea BUDDENSIEG
Global Art and Anthropology: The Situated Gaze and Local Art Worlds in Africa - Thomas HAUSCHILD
Beyond Anthropology: Art, Internationalization, and Cultural Dynamics - Gerardo MOSQUERA
'J'est un autre:' Notes on Cannibalism and Contemporary Art - Sara GIANNINI
The Plurality of Art Worlds and the New Museum - Hans BELTING
Bridging the World. The Role of Art Criticism Today - Sabine B. VOGEL
The Art Market (Conversation with Hans Belting) - Clare McANDREW
Priceless Images, Heartless Paintings: The Critical Complicity of Liu Ding - David SPALDING, 丁達韋
Actually Existing: Aesthetic Effect and Effective Relations in Southeast Asia - Patrick D. FLORES
Reflections on Indonesia in the Realm of Global Art - Jim SUPANGKAT
Asia Exhibited in Korea. Image Conflicts in the Making of Asian Contemporary Art - Birgit MERSMANN
Performing Identities in the Arena of the Global Art World: Nastio Mosquito - Antonia MARTEN
Capture the Flag. Contemporareity as an Artistic Project - Jacob BIRKEN
In Search of Art - HO Hing Kay Oscar, 何慶基
Accidental Message: Art is Not a System, Not a World - LIU Ding, 劉鼎, Carol Yinghua LU, 盧迎華
Now and Elsewhere - Raqs Media Collective
Eight Views from an Exhibition
The Global Contemporary and the Rise of New Art Worlds

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