'Fully updated to include the most recent discussions on key issues, this second edition of The Oral History Reader is a comprehensive, international anthology of major, "classic" articles and cutting-edge pieces on the theory, method and use of oral history. Arranged in five thematic sections, the collection details issues in the theory and practice of oral history and covers influential debates in its development over the past sixty years.

This comprehensive volume illustrates similarities and differences in oral history from around the world, including examples from North and South America, Britain and Europe, Australasia, Asia and Africa. It also details the subjects — such as women's history, family history, gay and lesbian history, ethnic history and disability history — to which oral history has made a significant contribution.' - from back cover

Includes select bibliography.
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Second Edition

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Chapter headings

Part 1: Critical Developments

Black History, Oral History and Genealogy - Alex HALEY

The Voice of the Past: Oral History - Paul THOMPSON

What Makes Oral History Different - Alessandro PORTELLI

Popular Memory: Theory, Politics, Method - Popular Memory Group

'Do I Like Them Too Much?': Effects of the Oral History Interview on the Interviewer and Vice-Versa - Valerie YOW

Reflections on Women's Oral History: An Exchange - Susan H. ARMITAGE, Sherna Berger GLUCK

Listening in the Cold: The Practice of Oral History in an Argentine Meatpacking Community - Daniel JAMES

Oral History and the Digital Revolution: Toward a Post-Documentary Sensibility - Michael FRISCH

Part II: Interviewing

Interviewing an Interviewer

Learning to Listen: Interview Techniques and Analyses - Kathryn ANDERSON, Dana C. JACK

Ways of Listening - Hugo SLIM, Paul THOMPSON, Olivia BENNETT, Nigel CROSS

Interviewing the Women of Phokeng - Belinda BOZZOLI

Issues in Cross-Cultural Interviewing: Japanese Women in England - Susan K. BURTON

Family Myths, Memories and Interviewing - Ruth FINNEGAN

Life History Interviews with People with Learning Disabilities - Jan WALMSLEY

Navigating Life Review Interviews with Survivors of Trauma - Mark KLEMPNER

Part III: Interpreting Memories

Remembering a Vietnam War Firefight: Changing Perspectives Over Time - Fred H. ALLISON

Surviving Memory: Truth and Inaccuracy in Holocaust Testimony - Mark ROSEMAN

Anzac Memories: Putting Popular Memory Theory into Practice in Australia - Alistair THOMPSON

Structure and Validity in Oral Evidence - Trevor LUMMIS

Oral History and the Study of Communities: Problems, Paradoxes, and Possibilities - Linda SHOPES

Telling Tales: Oral History and the Construction of Pre-Stonewall Lesbian History - Elizabeth LAPOVSKY KENNEDY

Memory-Work in Java: A Cautionary Tale - Ann Laura STOLER, Karen STRASSLER

'That's not What I Said': Interpretative Conflict in Oral Narrative Research - Katherine BORLAND

Evidenve, Empathy and Ethics: Lessons from Oral Histories of the Klan - Kathleen BLEE

Part IV: Making Histories

Oral History in the Archives: Its Documentary Role in the Twenty-First Century - Ellen D. SWAIN

Voice, Ear and Text: Words, Meaning, and Transcription - Francis GOOD

Reminiscence as Literacy: Intersections and Creative Moments - Jane MACE

'What the Wind won't Take Away': the Genesis of Nisa - the Life and Words of a !Kung Woman - Marjorie SHOSTAK

Authoring in Sound: Aural History, Radio and the Digital Revolution - Charles HARDY

The Future of Oral History and Moving Images - Dan SIPE

The Exhibition that Speaks for Itself: Oral History and Museums - Anna GREEN

Linked: A Landmark in Sound, a Public Walk of Art - Toby BUTLER, Graeme MILLER

Cyber-teaching in the Oral History Classroom - Rina BENMAYOR

Part V: Advocacy and Empowerment

Reminiscence and Oral History: Parallel Universes or Shared Endeavour? - Joanna BORNAT

Voices of Experience: Oral History in the Classroom - Cliff KUHN, Marjorie L. MCLELLAN

'We know what the Problem is': Using Video and Radio Oral History to Develop Collaborative Analysis of Homelessness - Daniel KERR

Central American Refugee Testimonies and Performed Life Histories in the Sanctuary Movement - William WESTERMAN

Stolen Generations Testimony: Trauma, Historiography, and the Question of 'Truth' - Rosanne KENNEDY

The Gulag in Memory - Irina SHERBAKOVA

'You Understand Again': Testimony and Post-Conflict Transition in the North of Ireland - Patricia LUNDY, Mark MCGOVERN

The Sahel Oral History Project - Nigel CROSS, Rhiannon BARKER

Leprosy in India: The Intervention of Oral History - Sanjiv KAKAR

The Oral History Reader
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The Oral History Reader