The initial catalogue essay attempts to put boundaries around the Dada movement. Subsequent essays profile specific developments in a variety of Dada centers of activity, each followed by a catalogue of works, important publications and documents and a chronology of key events. In addition, an essay on the traces of Dada in the Taiwanese art scene of the 60s and a chronology of modern art in Taiwan (compiled by Li Chi-Ming) is included.
da da de shi jie
Chinese - Traditional, 
The World According to Dada - Stephen C. FOSTER
Dada: A Historical and Artistic Profile - Stephen C. FOSTER
Zurich Dada: The Background and Birth of a Movement
Berlin Dada and the Politicization of the Arts
Cologne Dada and the Poetry of Reality
Hannover: Dada and the Constructivist Order
The Dada Orbit: Holland and Belgium/Central Europe/Russia
Dada and the Reassessment of Modernism: Paris/New York
Contemporary Affinities: Dada's Impact on the Present
Through the Looking Glass: Dada and the Contemporary Arts - Estera MILMAN
Taipei, Quasi-Dada, 1965-1970 - LAI Yingying, 賴瑛瑛
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