The present publication is the first monograph of Chinese artist Wu Shanzhuan, providing a comprehensive review of the artist's involvement in various media over a period of 20 years, from 1985–2005. It also brings to light a prolific body of raw material including writings and sketches by the artist which have not been published before. Artist's biography and selected bibliography are included. With foreword by Norman Bryson.
Chinese - Traditional, 
conceptualism,  performance art,  installation,  photography
artist monograph
Introduction: Wu's Question or the Questioning of Wu - QIU Zhijie, 邱志傑
Chapter 1: 75% Red
Wu Shanzhuan's Red Humour Series - GAO Minglu, 高名潞
Chapter 2: Supermarket Red
Chapter 3: Fill in ( )
Two Lifeworlds, One Double Question Man - LAU Kin Wah Jaspar, 劉建華
Chapter 4: Mono and Plural
Chapter 5: An Other
Wu Shanzhuan's Red Humour International and Inga Svala Thorsdottir's Thor's Daughter's Pulverization Service - Ursula PANHANS-BUEHLER
Chapter 6: More Pipes
The Politics of Plurality: Interpreting the Ideology of Wu Shanzhuan - GAO Shiming, 高士明
Chapter 7: Middle-man
Social Utopias by Two Islanders: A Conversation with Inga Svala Thorsdottire and Wu Shanzhuan - Martina KOEPPEL-YANG, 楊天娜
Wu Shanzhuan Red Humour International (in collaboration with Inga Svala Thorsdottir), 吳山專國際紅色幽默(與英格—斯瓦拉‧托斯朵蒂爾)

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Book Launch | Wu Shanzhuan: Red Humour International - In collaboration with Inga Svala Thorsdottir
Sun, 1 – Mon, 23 Jul 2007

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