Independent Initiative Files (IIF) are ephemeral materials in AAA Collections that document artist-led organisations, and independent artistic initiatives and projects throughout Asia. Listed in this section are materials related to independent initiatives based in Hong Kong.

100ft. PARK_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): 100ft. Park 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):百呎公園
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2 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): 100ft. Park 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):百呎公園

20,000 Ways to Die in Yau Ma Tei
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): 20,000 Ways to Die in Yau Ma Tei 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):油麻地的兩萬種死法
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11 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): 20,000 Ways to Die in Yau Ma Tei 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):油麻地的兩萬種死法

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Altermodernists 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):藝們
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5 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Altermodernists 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):藝們

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): A'fair 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):阿輝
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26 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): A'fair 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):阿輝

Art and Culture Outreach_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Art and Culture Outreach 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 艺鵠
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3 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Art and Culture Outreach 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 艺鵠

Art Boundless_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Art Boundless 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):Art Boundless
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Art Boundless 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):Art Boundless

1a Space_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): 1a Space 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):1a 空間
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162 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): 1a Space 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):1a 空間

Art Citizens Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Art Citizens 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):藝術公民
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19 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Art Citizens 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):藝術公民

Art Together_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Art Together 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):藝術到家
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16 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Art Together 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):藝術到家

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): art-at-all 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):art-at-all
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4 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): art-at-all 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):art-at-all

Artist Commune_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Artist Commune 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):藝術公社
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169 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Artist Commune 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港):藝術公社

C&G Artpartment_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): C&G Artpartment 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): C&G 藝術單位
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34 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): C&G Artpartment 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): C&G 藝術單位

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Cattle Depot Artist Village 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 牛棚藝術村
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18 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Cattle Depot Artist Village 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 牛棚藝術村

Centre for Community Cultural Development_logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Centre for Community Cultural Development 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 社區文化發展中心
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15 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Centre for Community Cultural Development 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 社區文化發展中心

Current Plans_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Current Plans (Present Projects) 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Current Plans (Present Projects)
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6 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Current Plans (Present Projects) 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Current Plans (Present Projects)

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Diorama Projects 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Diorama Projects
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4 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Diorama Projects 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Diorama Projects

Emptyscape Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): EmptySCape 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 空城計劃
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): EmptySCape 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 空城計劃

Experimenta Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): EXPERIMENTA 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): EXPERIMENTA
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5 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): EXPERIMENTA 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): EXPERIMENTA

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Factory Artists Concern Group 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 工廈藝術家關注組
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9 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Factory Artists Concern Group 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 工廈藝術家關注組

Floating Projects_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Floating Projects Collective 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 據點。句點
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4 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Floating Projects Collective 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 據點。句點

Form Society_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Form Society 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 合舍
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2 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Form Society 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 合舍

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Fotanian Open Studios 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 伙炭藝術工作室開放計劃
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31 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Fotanian Open Studios 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 伙炭藝術工作室開放計劃

Hong Kong Culture Monitor_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Hong Kong Culture Monitor 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 香港文化監察
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Hong Kong Culture Monitor 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 香港文化監察

Hong Kong on the Move Performance Art Project Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Hong Kong on the Move Performance Art Project 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 香港作動行為藝術計劃
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28 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Hong Kong on the Move Performance Art Project 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 香港作動行為藝術計劃

Hong Kong Urban Laboratory_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Hong Kong Urban Laboratory 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 城市創作實驗室
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Hong Kong Urban Laboratory 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 城市創作實驗室

Negative Space_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Negative Space 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 負片空間
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2 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Negative Space 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 負片空間

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Lumenvisum 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 光影作坊
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82 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Lumenvisum 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 光影作坊

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Make a Change HK 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Make a Change HK
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Make a Change HK 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Make a Change HK

Mere Independent Artist_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Mere Independent Artist 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 純粹獨立藝術家群
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4 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Mere Independent Artist 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 純粹獨立藝術家群

Microwave International New Media Arts Festival_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 微波國際新媒體藝術節
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60 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Microwave International New Media Arts Festival 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 微波國際新媒體藝術節

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Museum of Site 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案(香港):環境藝術館
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21 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Museum of Site 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案(香港):環境藝術館

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Painting On and On 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案(香港):繪畫大道中
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Painting On and On 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案(香港):繪畫大道中

Para Site_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Para Site 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案(香港):Para Site 藝術空間
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153 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Para Site 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案(香港):Para Site 藝術空間

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Pep! 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Pep!
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3 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Pep! 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Pep!

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Per.Platform 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Per.Platform
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Per.Platform 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Per.Platform

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): pH5 Photo Group 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): pH5攝影連動
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2 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): pH5 Photo Group 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): pH5攝影連動

Post-Human Narratives_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Post-Human Narratives 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 後人類敘事
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Post-Human Narratives 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 後人類敘事

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): PRÉCÉDÉE 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): PRÉCÉDÉE
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2 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): PRÉCÉDÉE 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): PRÉCÉDÉE

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Project 226 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 二二六工程
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3 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Project 226 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 二二六工程

RNH Space_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): RNH Space 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): RNH Space
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): RNH Space 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): RNH Space

Rooftop Institute_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Rooftop Institute 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 天台塾
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Rooftop Institute 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 天台塾

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Shanghai Street Artspace 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 上海街視藝空間
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38 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Shanghai Street Artspace 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 上海街視藝空間

Spring Workshop_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Spring Workshop 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Spring 工作室
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35 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Spring Workshop 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Spring 工作室

Tempe Art Space_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Tempe Art Space 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 天貝藝術空間
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3 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Tempe Art Space 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 天貝藝術空間

The Coming Society_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): The Coming Society 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 實現會社
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2 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): The Coming Society 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 實現會社

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): The Originals 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 正常小孩
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2 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): The Originals 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 正常小孩

The Salt Yard_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): The Salt Yard 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): The Salt Yard
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8 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): The Salt Yard 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): The Salt Yard

Things That Can Happen_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Things That Can Happen 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 咩事藝術空間
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4 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Things That Can Happen 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 咩事藝術空間

Thy Lab_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Thy Lab / Thy Lane 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 旲堂 / 昊里
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Thy Lab / Thy Lane 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 旲堂 / 昊里

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Too Art 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 二樓原作
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6 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Too Art 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 二樓原作

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): v-artivist 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 影行者
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): v-artivist 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 影行者

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Videotage 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 錄影太奇
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71 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Videotage 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 錄影太奇

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Wanchai Visual Archive 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 灣仔視集
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2 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Wanchai Visual Archive 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 灣仔視集

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Wrongplace 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Wrongplace
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17 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Wrongplace 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Wrongplace

Wure Area
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Wure Area 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Wure Area
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31 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Wure Area 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): Wure Area

Ying E Chi_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Ying E Chi 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 影意志
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2 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Ying E Chi 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 影意志

Community Museum Project_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Community Museum Project 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 民間博物館計劃
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1 Record

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Community Museum Project 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 民間博物館計劃

Green Wave Art Logo_2
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Green Wave Art 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 碧波押
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8 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Green Wave Art 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 碧波押

Woofer Ten_Logo
Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Wooferten 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 活化廳
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128 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Wooferten 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 活化廳

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Soundpocket 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 聲音掏腰包
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12 Records

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): Soundpocket 自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 聲音掏腰包

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AAA File

Independent Initiative File (Hong Kong): NuNaHeDuo Centre of Photography

自主藝術團體/計劃檔案 (香港): 女那禾多攝影文化中心

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